Chapter 1

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    Calyn Peters sat alone in her stuffy car with a crumpled piece of paper held between her hands. It was worn at the edges and had a dark crease in the middle from being folded and unfolded repeatedly. Some words were faded from being touched too many times. She felt as if she had to touch the words in order to prove to herself that they were real. The most faded words of all were; Possible Father: Charles Peter Swan and Possible Mother: Unknown. She had dreamed of meeting her birth parents so many times. Although it felt like a cliche to her because every foster kid had the same dream. They would track down their parents and find them together in a rich, happy home with no other kids and all kinds of clothes and toys waiting for them inside. They would welcome their child with open arms and explain how giving them up was the biggest mistake of their lives. Their parents would tell them that they never stopped looking for them and it was the happiest day of their lives. This was what Calyn grew up dreaming until reality struck her in the face and she realized that her parents probably didn't give a shit about her. They probably gave her up because they were dirt poor and couldn't afford another mouth, or maybe they were drug addicts and couldn't pay her medical bills. But now she didn't know what to think as she stared at the little two-story house with white wooden siding and two vehicles parked in the driveway. One was a cop car and the other was an old Chevy pickup truck that might have been red once if it wasn't rusted so much that you couldn't tell what color it previously was.
    She stared down at the report in her hands and briefly thought about ripping the paper into a million pieces and driving away. Thousands of thoughts ran through her head. She could single-handedly walk in and destroy a happy home. She figured the worse that could happen was that they turn her away and she would have nowhere else to go, but she already has nowhere to go. She might as well go knock on the door and see what happens, hopefully, they will give her some money, or else she would have come all this way for nothing. With a loud sigh, she placed the two-year-old paper into her pocket and got out of her car. Every step she took towards the house seemed to take hours. The paper felt fifty pounds heavier inside of her pocket. She reached in and felt the worn page ad if it were an embrace of reassurance. She took another deep breath as she trudged up the stairs and knocked on the door. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Her heart was hammering out of her chest as she listened to the heavy footsteps approaching the door. She felt as if her stomach could drop to the ground at any moment. Bile rose into her throat as the doorknob squeaked and the door creaked open.
    "Your key not working, Bella?" The man chuckles in his rough voice. Calyn's eyes widened as she took him in from his heavy working boots to his old t-shirt and jeans, finally stopping at his chocolate brown eyes that matched the color of hers. There was no doubt in her mind that this man was her father. Their hair had the same thickness and curl as his, however, Charlie's was more of a medium brown while hers was almost black with a slight reddish shade to it that sparkled in the sunlight. His eyebrows were thicker but they looked like hers when she was a child. His eyes weren't as almond-shaped as hers and her cheekbones were rounder and higher, but they both had the same chin. One of the only significant differences between the two was that her skin was several shades darker. Even their lips matched in fullness. As she noticed all of the similarities between the two, she wondered if he was doing the same. "You're not Bella." He smiled and looked closer at the girl that slightly reminded him of his daughter. Calyn wanted to say so many things to the man before her, but her mouth dried and the words were lost in her throat. Instead, she reached into her pocket, pulled out her private investigator report, and handed it to him. He reluctantly reached for it and scanned the paper.

This investigation details information obtained through visitation records of Forks Hospital- 530 Bogacheil Way, Forks, Washington, 98331.
On April 17th, 1990, an unidentified woman entered the hospital and gave birth to Calyn Peters at 8:45 am. Calyn was taken to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at 8:50 am, April 17th, 1990. The mother surrendered the baby to an on-duty staff member, giving up her rights as Calyn's mother. At 10:00 am the woman made a phone call. At 10:15 am Charles Peter Swan signed in at the women's clinic as a visitor. The woman and Charles left Forks Hospital at 11:00 am, driving a Fork's Sherrif Department deputy cruiser.

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