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"You know, I was expecting a fight."

Stiles was talking to himself as he went through files on Spark history. Derek and Isaac were in the same room with their new Alpha. The kitchen had become their shared space, the living room oddly still connected to Scott and the old pack.

The kitchen counters were covered in flour and egg, Isaac insistent on learning how to make fresh pasta. Derek was looming over the coffee machine, protecting it from Isaacs flour and making sure there was enough coffee to keep Stiles functioning.

Ever since he gained his Alpha status he had been on edge. The looming possibility of Scott retaliating seemed to have shaken him up pretty bad. Derek was keeping himself as close to Stiles as possible. Isaac did his best to just be there when he could. It seemed to be enough, their bond as a pack was growing every day they spent time with each other.

"Why's that?" Isaac inquired, flour smeared against his cheek and somehow in his hair.

Stiles set down his book on the kitchen table and sat down, accepting the mug of coffee from Derek. He took a sip before he spoke, humming in satisfaction. He was happy he grabbed his Star Wars mug from his family home.

"Scott has always fought every decision I've ever made, I didn't think this would be any different." Stiles pulled Derek down to sit on the bench beside him, snuggling into his side. Derek wrapped an arm around Stiles shoulders and pressed a kiss to Stiles temple, eyeing Isaacs messy hands.

"Well, we will be prepared either way." Derek said into his own mug of coffee.

"That's for sure!" Isaac exclaimed, mashing eggs into flour. Derek and Stiles watched him closely. Derek was worried about the flour and how many years it was going to take to clean it out of every nook and cranny. Stiles was happy to see Isaac making a mess freely and with purpose. Back in high school Isaac had told Stiles that one of the main things he wanted to do was learn how to make pasta.

Stiles propped open a book between he and Derek, the two read and Isaac talked himself through the steps of learning how to use the mixer attachment to roll out the dough. Days like this were something they were beginning to cherish. Stiles work schedule didn't always allow for days off so he took them when he could. Isaac worked nights, and since he was groundskeeper he had a crew that was under his order so he didn't always have to be there. With Derek working when he wanted to, thanks to the inheritance he had managed to hold onto of what his parents left him, he was also flexible. 

While the roughly two week old pack was enjoying their lazy Saturday afternoon a knock came at the front door. All noses flared, catching the scent of who - or what - had come calling. To the surprise of all three, it was Scott. Alone. At least, he seemed to be alone. There were no other detectable scents besides the ones that lingered on Scott. Stiles downed the last of his coffee before he peeled himself away from his mates warm arm. 

Stiles pulled open the door with gusto, Derek and Isaac staying close by but out of immediate sight, "How can I help you, Scott?" 

Stiles spoke in a friendly manner, as if no time had passed between the two. He was smiling like he always was in the past, bright and full. Looking back Derek came to the realization that most of those smiles were fakes, though for some reason this one seemed genuine. Maybe Stiles really did believe Scott was going to put up more of a fight - maybe the new Alpha wanted to fight. 

Derek wouldn't blame Stiles if he did, the man had a lot of new found - and pent up - rage towards his former best friend/brother. Scott had majorly fucked up and Derek wasn't sure that Scott would ever realize just how badly he had messed up. Over the years Derek had come to the realization that some people are just incapable of realizing they were the ones that messed up in the first place. 

"Uh, hi." Stiles smile had caught Scott off guard, "I was wondering if we could talk, Stiles." 

Scotts tone was timid despite the fact that he is a true Alpha. Stiles seemed to relish in the fact that he could unnerve such a strong creature of mythology, his old best friend who used to downplay his capabilities. 

"Sure we can, right here." Stiles wasn't going to let Scott into his packs home. They might not all live together but this was their space, their sanctuary. No one who could be a possible threat was going to get between Stiles and his pack. 

"Okay," Scott started, fiddling with his hands like he used to back in high school. "Well, I just wanted to apologize. For everything. For not texting back or answering your calls while you were away, that was really crappy of me and I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for not telling you about me and Allison...I...I just didn't know how. I didn't think you'd like the fact that I'm a werewolf and she's a hunter but I love her and she loves me. I'm not sorry for marrying her, I never will be. 

But I am sorry for how I treated you. I'm sorry for calling your car in - that was on a dare I swear, I meant to call back and apologize but I just haven't been able to between the clinic and patrols - you'd understand. But, man, I really am sorry for everything, really. I wish there was a way to turn back time so none of this would've ever happened between us. I don't know where it all went wrong."

Scott finished with a small smile of triumph, as if he were proud of the words he had spewed. If he had been paying attention to the man in front of him he would've realized that his words would do him no good. Stiles had claws dug into the heavy wood of the front door, jaw set tight in betrayal and distrust. Derek and Isaac had stepped closer to their Alpha, now in plain eyesight of Scott behind the open door. 

"Scott, thank you for the apology, really," Scott lit up at Stiles voice, "but its far too late." The smile shattered like glass. A light of hope went out in Scotts eyes much like the dying light of a light bulb, sudden and sharp. 

Stiles steadied himself against the door, "Here's my issue with what you've just said - it's all one big bullshit lie. You may believe your words to be true but I know you, you lie and lie because you think what you're doing is right. You think those sweet words you strung together into an apology will win me back into your pack, win you back Derek and Isaac. They won't. We don't owe you an explanation as to why we left your pack because you were never really our Alpha - your pack was never really a pack. Thank you, but whatever you want from us, you're not getting it. We can be courteous and treat each other nice in front of people who have no idea of the shitshow of the supernatural, but that is it. We can never truly be friends again. Have a good day. If we find you on our pack grounds there will be hell you'll never be able to pay." 

The End.

Fun fact, the majority of the last three chapters were written while i was in the gym lol

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