Nine: Venuca Salt (2nd Ticket) + Charlie's BD

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Lola was very shocked but Willy kinda saw it coming

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Lola was very shocked but Willy kinda saw it coming. The next day, the next ticket was found in Buckinghamshire, England by a spoiled brat named Veruca Salt and Rupert and Angina as her parents.

"Veruca," A reported said the girl's name. "Can you spell that for us, please?"

"V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt." Veruca said, flashing a smile.

"Soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets, I started buying up all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on." Mr. Salt shared. "Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands. I’m in the nut business, you see. So, I say to my workers,"


Rupert walked into his plain factory with his female workers in pink dresses and white aprons. "Morning, ladies. From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead." His workers who was standing up stood the boxes opening them up and put some on the table behind them where some workers were sitting down and open the chocolates bars and repeat the same thing.

"Three days went by, and we had no luck. Oh, it was terrible. My Veruca got more and more upset each day."

"Where's my golden ticket?! I want my golden ticket." Veruca pouted like a whining brat (which she was) and her mom was drinking some type of cocktail martini glass.

"Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. And finally, I found her a ticket."

A female worker opened one chocolate bar and saw a golden ticket that Rupert snatched drom her hand.
Veruca was a outfit that she clearly was reading a horse and Rupert smiled at his daughter and handed the ticket to her which she did smile but it dropped. "Daddy, I want another pony."

*Flashback ends*

Veruca was smiling at the camera and Lola was disappointed. Lola thought. 'She's a gem, I hope her behavior gets better though, in the future. At least she's adorable.'

"Oh lord, she’s terrible but at least she’s cute. And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that." Lola said. "But hopefully she won’t be like that when she’s an adult."

"Oh geez, Lola you always people especially kids the benefit of the doubt." Willy said, slightly annoyed with his wife defending the girl. Lola tried to ignored him but couldn’t anyway.

"We’re gonna find out about her on the day." Lola said and Willy kissed her left shoulder.


The next day, the next ticket was found in Buckinghamshire, England by a spoiled brat named Veruca Salt and Rupert and Angina as her parents.

"Veruca," A reported said the girl's name. "Can you spell that for us, please?"

"V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt." Veruca said, flashing a smile.

"Soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets, I started buying up all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on." Mr. Salt shared. "Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands. I'm in the nut business, you see. So, I say to my workers, "Morning, ladies. From now on you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead." Three days went by and we had no luck. Oh, it was terrible. My little Veruca got more and more upset each day. Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. And finally, I found her a ticket."

"She’s even worse than the fat boy." Grandpa George commented grumpily.

"I don’t think that was really fair." Charlie said. "She didn’t find the ticket herself."

"Don’t worry about it, Charlie. That man spoils his daughter." Grandpa Joe adds.

Nathan and Helen came bursting through the door, both of them wearing excited smiles. "Charlie," Nathan began, draping an arm over his wife's shoulder. "Your mum and I thought maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight."

Charlie gave a wide smile. Nathan and Helen walked over to the bed, Helen handed Charlie his present. Everyone leaned in and watched with anticipation as Charlie opened his present, which was a Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight. Charlie stared at the bar and said, "Maybe I should wait until morning."

"Like hell." George muttered.

But his son heard him. "Pop." Nathan gave him a look.

"All together we’re three hundred and eighty one years old." Grandpa Joe said. "We don't wait."

"Now Charlie, you mustn't feel too disappointed." Helen told him.

"If you don’t get the ticket, you’ll at least still have the chocolate." Nathan said and then Charlie then began to carefully and slowly unwrap the chocolate bar. But alas, there was no gold. Only the dark brown of the chocolate.

"Oh, well." Grandpa Joe shrugged. "That’s that."

"We’ll share it." Charlie decided.

"Oh no, Charlie." Grandpa Joe shook his head. "Not your birthday present."

"It’s my candy bar. I’ll do what I want with it." Charlie began to break off pieces of the Wonka bar, and he handed a piece to everyone. There was just enough pieces for everyone.

Words: 894

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