Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I don't own ATLA

this chapter is going to be focused a lot on action.

TW: VIOLENCE, blood, swear words

Aang almost slapped himself for stuttering at the start of the sentence. He looked away, blushing really hard, while his heart was pounding out of his chest. The airbender took a deep as he was looking away, preparing himself for the worst.

Katara as much as she liked him, she felt like she wasn't exactly sure of her feelings and would never want to hurt his feelings. She didn't know what to say, she needed more time to think about it. She liked him, but she wasn't sure if that was love or she just liked his company and the fact that he's attracted to her. She cared about him and also felt really attracted to him, but she didn't want to hurry up their relationship.

-I understand if you don't-

He said it calmly, knowing pushing it up will only do him bad than good and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable at any cost, in the 18 years of his life he didn't feel this type of attachment to anyone, the love he felt for Gyatso or for the little kids was so, so different from this love. This love hyped him up, made him motivated, it made his stomach turn in all the worst and best ways possible.

She wanted to beg him to not have said that, she did not want to reject, she did not want to lose him. She opened her month, looking at his serious face and understood that his feelings were genuine. But before Katara could say anything, a horn started ringing.

Aang was confused, but Katara's face was shocked and he could feel the terror in her eyes.

-Katara? What's wrong? What's happening?

He asked her but she seemed paralyzed. A weird vibe passed him down, making his anxiety go up. When the waterbender didn't move at all, he touched her shoulder gently shaking her, trying to wake her up from her thoughts.

-Katara! Hey!

-The Fire Nation..

She whispered. Aang wasn't sure if he heard it right and asked her what was it again, she finally snapped.

-The Fire Nation! It is coming for us!

Aang fell adrenaline rushing through his body. His heart beat really fast. He knew it was his duty to protect these people and he didn't want to turn his back.

-Come on, Katara. Let's go find your father!

He said and Katara felt a wave of courage hitting her, it was the first time in her life when somebody asked her to join in a fight, she was always told to go and hide with the other women and children, but for the first time in her life, she felt equal. Aang treated her like his equal and it was the bare minimum, but nobody in her tribe did that, neither her brother who treated her like she needed to be protected at all costs, which she found annoying. It wasn't the time to smile, but the waterbender couldn't help but let a small one before reality hit her again.

They ran to her father who was just as concerned and tried to mobilize the men. He seemed focused and calmed, but Katara knew that behind his confident appearance he was terrified, but he couldn't let that show. He was the Chief of the Water Tribe after all.

Chief Beifong's face had a shadow of fear, she usually wouldn't have a problem, but it was extremely hard for her to see with snow covering up the ground. She could fight only staying in one place cleaned of snow.

-Soldiers, go in position. Our goal is to protect the avatar. As you've probably noticed, I'm not able to fight as I would usually. Don't be a disappointment!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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