Chapter 3

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—Yeah, big Avatar, I forgot that you can do whatever you want.

He ignored her obviously mocking comment, and wanted to say something, but got interrupted by a little girl calling.


The little girl came running and slipped on the snow, making her fall face-straight into the snow, in front of Aang. The waterbender widen her eyes out of shock, and wanted to come help the girl, but the Airbender was faster.

He gently lifted her up, cleaning the cold snow that was on her face. Her skin tone was slightly darker than his friend’s, and her eyes were another shade of blue, while her dark hair was put into two cute braids.

Katara couldn’t help but stare in awe, in this past week, she has seen Aang only like the avatar, a very powerful bender that was meant to stop the war. But now he was in front of her, gently brushing snow out of the 4 years old girl, and the waterbender couldn’t help but smile.

When the little girl started crying loudly, Katara wanted to come in, when the Airbender made her a sign with his hand and gave her an expression that says “I got it”.

He quickly gave her some comforting words, before taking out some marbles out his pocket and doing a trick Katara has never seen before.

The little girl was so mesmerised by his “magic” trick, which was just him using his airbending on a few marbels, that she calmed down immediately, forgetting why she was crying.

—Should we head back?

Aang asked, looking at Katara that just nodded.

—Hinnun, you shouldn’t be going this far from the village, on your own.

Katara told the girl, in gentle tone, trying not to upset her again and to also educate her.

—I’m sorry, Katara.

The waterbender smiled at her showing that it is fine and took her hand into hers, in case she will decide to run away.

The little girl looked at her left, seeing the Avatar pretty close to her and held his hand too, being in the middle of the young adults. Katara blushed, feeling her heartbeat go up really fast, gulping at the realization that they looked like a family and let go of the little girl’s hand that frowned at them.

—I wanna hold your hand!

She said and the older girl sighed defeated. Aang thought she was uncomfortable, and let go of the girl’s hand too.

—No, no, no! You’re getting it all wrong! I just want to hold both of your hands!

The little girl screamed. Katara and Aang gave each other a look, and both decided it will be better to not upset her again.

The two headed back, the tension grew thick when none of them said anything, mostly from Aang’s side, he felt like he should initiate a conversation but he just couldn’t get a hold of his words, being pressured by the fact that they might not have any “alone time” soon, if you could call it that, cause they had a toddler to care about.

Katara on the other hand was much more anxious, not so much about Aang but mostly because of how she reacted in front of her father and masters. “Sokka will tease me so much! “she thought to herself and sighed, while Aang seemed caught in his own thoughts, Katara glanced at him for much more than she'll like to admit, she took her time to finally notice their height difference, not bigger than 4 inches (10-11cm). She never thought about it until now, but she found him pretty attractive, pale skin, blue tattoos that went over his bald head and arms, all pretty unusual to what she was used. He had a troubled look on his face and his grey eyes seemed to wondering in other places she thought she could never reach, Katara felt jealous of him. He seemed so free and she was not.

Freezing- Kataangحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن