Chapter 7

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Hii! I wanna start with an apology for not posting in such a long time. I've genuinely hit a writer's block and I could barely write any words for this fic anymore.Thankfully I've been able to finally move on from that. I'm sorry if this chapter isn't really good, but after this one things are about to get more interesting.


-What do you mean you're not coming anymore?!

The earthbender yelled, slamming her hands on the wood table, clenching her jaw. Aang flinched at the loud sound, but tried to keep his expression serious.

-I've already decided, Toph. I need to stay here to finish my training.

She looked like she was fuming. It was just the two of them in the dining room, just as he planned, even if Aang didn't know her for more than a day, he felt like he knows her for a lifetime, and was already expecting a similar reaction, maybe even worse.

-I travelled across the world just to get you to Basingse and you want to stay here?!

She screamed at him again then sighed exhausted, putting her hands on her temples.

-Why would you want to stay here? I can barely see a thing and it is so cold! Ugh, there is disgusting snow everywhere.

The girl continued, groaning in frustration, when she felt his calm heartbeat and she knew like he was not gonna change his mind. She sighed and put an almost disgusted smile on her face.

-Fine, I would stay here until you decide you want to come with me. No complaining.

She said putting her hand in front of him.

-I wasn't going to say anything. I'm actually glad you decided to remain here.

He said with a small smile, wondering if the long black bangs didn't annoy or get in the way. She frowned a bit confused.


-I don't know, I feel.. connected to you. This might sound really weird, but I think my avatar senses are telling me that you should hang around and maybe even be my earthbending master one day.

Toph Beifong didn't say anything. Even if she found the whole avatar spirit thing annoying, she knew for a fact that she shouldn't doubt him. She remembered the orders from the Earth Kingdom so clearly "Bring the avatar in safely", but since when she was following the rules? She will do things her way. And if her way meant agreeing to some weird "avatar instincts" she will just do that. Her expression relaxed. She seemed like she was gonna agree with him and the airbender smiled.


The chief of the police said finally.

-I need to go now, thank you for understanding!

Aang said as he went outside, stepping on the cold snow with his shoes, going excited to the spot where he and his masters trained before.

His heart begin to race and a smile raised on his face when he saw the brunette girl, with a few scrolls in her hands, she was wearing her warm fur jacket and her hair up in a braid. Her blue eyes shined in excitement when she was him coming. They both waved at each other and Aang stopped in front of her, one meter distance between them.

-How did it go with Toph?

She said, with a bit of worry in her voice. Katara knew the young woman for a day, but already felt familiar to her temper.

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