Class 4 Section Devil (The Destroyer)

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This work is purely fictitious or purely imaginary. Any similarities to actual person, living or not is purely coincidental. Again, this is just work of imaginary. Names, characters, event, and incidents Are product of author's imaginary.

Since I'm still learning the language and am not very good at English, I hope you can appreciate how many grammatical mistakes in this novel. There will be too many typos too.

There are mature topics like profanity, violence, mental health, and other delicate subjects in this novel. I'm simply giving you an early warning and requesting your understanding. You can let me know in the comments section if you don't like it or if something irritated you. Don't worry, I'll read everything through with an open mind.

Enjoy reading!.

Started: April 26 2024

Status: on-going


© FlameUnderTheRain

Class 4 Section Devil: The DestroyerWhere stories live. Discover now