2. Introduction to Panchakosha

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यो वेद निहितं गुहायां परमे व्योमन्

After being introduced to the Brahman's many manifestation, the student's curiosity intensifies and she asks, "How can I know the various manifestations of Brahman? Or should I just concentrate upon one and the rest will become known on their own? What is the path or the process that I must follow to know Brahman?" The guru replies, "You have to know the Brahman as hidden in the sacred space of the cave in your heart (यो वेद निहितं गुहायां परमे व्योमन्|)." The student tries to grasp the complex meaning behind these words of her guru, but doesn't understand them well. So she requests her guru to elaborate.

And the guru continues, "All manifestations of Brahman are the nondual awakened Brahman. We have just seen how Brahman is not separate from anything or any being. Brahman is infinite and thus, is everywhere, omnipresent. So, the question of understanding one or two or any number of its manifestations is pointless. However, the path of understanding Brahman is a very important question. Because answer to this question guides a being to go beyond or rather transcend his/her present state of awareness and truly grasp the eternal truth. What is that eternal truth though? According to Vedanta, becoming one with Brahman is the eternal truth. Brahman is Satyam. The infinite, eternal reality. So, the path of knowing Brahman begins with yourself, because Brahman exists as hidden inside the cave of your heart. Once you have realised the Brahman in the cave of your heart, all your desires will be fulfilled with the realization of the absolute bliss."

The student then questions, "When you say, 'hidden inside the cave of your heart', does that mean hidden inside my body? Or does that mean hidden inside my emotional being?" The guru answers, "There are many layers of your being that encapsulate the Brahman. And remember, Brahman has manifested as Atman* (आत्मा) or the pure innermost self in all living beings. So yes, Atman is found hidden inside the many layers of your being, which are defined as 'caves' or the 'system of caves' in Vedanta. When light of pure knowledge will illumine these dark caves, only then will you realise the Atman."

"But why this knowledge of knowing the Brahman is available only to humankind? Aren't all livings beings alike?", asked the disciple. Once again, the disciple's humility and love for all sentient beings spread warmth in her teacher's heart. With increased respect, he begins to explain, "This knowledge is available to all beings, not just mankind. However, the subject of investigation is limited only to humankind because only man or woman has the capability or the potential to act aright and attain wisdom. That is, only humans are qualified for Karma (कर्म) and gyana (ज्ञान) or pure knowledge. Rest of the beings, while alike, do not understand right or wrong. Their mental capacities are limited and hence, their evolution is limited. Thus, the knowledge is available to humankind, to whom the Vedas seek to unite with the Brahman or the pure innermost self." "So, what are these layers? How can one access them to unveil the Atman?, asked the student.

"There are five layers of sheaths, which are compared as the interlocking system of caves that encompass the Brahman or Atman. These five layers or sheaths are together called Panchakosha (पंचकोश) inside which the innermost self or the Atman is. To realise the supreme being within yourself, you must access each sheath and illumine what permeates it." The student contemplated about what she has heard for a while. In the meantime, the guru decided to take the most effective method that can help his disciple understand the deep concept of Panchakosha.



* Atman – Atman or Atma is considered as the soul of a living being in Hindu philosophy.

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