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A bow to the Vedas, Upanishads and the Divine play of Supreme Knowledge! With the same respect, my heartfelt gratitude to Swami Sarvapriyananda ji for his excellent explanations of Vedanta for simplifying this mystical knowledge for the welfare of humanity.

In addition, it must be added that this work of seeking higher purpose of life is intended to support deeper introspection in the self and finding unity with oneself and his/her surroundings. Any entity mentioned in this work, religious or otherwise, is presented to enhance the understanding of the matter. However, this work independently serves a spiritual purpose rather than religious, political, social or any occultist views. Hence, it is a request to the readers to first open the doors as well as windows of their minds before jumping on the wagon, clear off all the extra baggage and let the mind inhale and exhale deeply in the air of verbal freedom. By then, be ready to accept the virtues of the most ancient knowledge of the world.

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