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This story contains content that might be triggering to some people, so I hope y'all would take the time to read these warnings and make sure you are comfortable with each one of them before starting King Of Hell.

By the way, I am sorry that I haven't posted the warnings before, but because I thought that the warnings in the description were enough, but I found out that some people do not look at the description, so I might just put them in the book.

This will be the only warning you will get; it will not be written in the chapter whether it will contain any of the following things.

This story contains:
1. Mature Language.
2. Sex Scenes.
3. Big plot twists.
4. Use of guns, knives, arms, and many more...
5. Mentions of rape.
6. Graphic scenes.

If any of this content might be triggering for you, I recommend not reading the story because you will NOT be warned about it again in any chapter.

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