They door opened again, "We're back!" Seungmin yelled, "You're back?" Seungmin asked surprised to see Minho and Jisung.

Hyunjin walked in with a handful of groceries, Minho and Jisung walked up and helped him carry the groceries. Then they started cooking. Everyone helping and getting along. Jisung and Minho telling what they have been doing, Felix letting them try new pastries that Felix wanted to add into the bakery.

Then they started eating, small conversations and laughs going back and forth through the house. Chan had something planned he been thinking about for a few months now and he finally set it in motion.

Cling cling

Chan clinked his drink, getting everyone's attention.  Chan stood up and backed up, giving himself some room. "I have something to say. I've been thinking about this for months now and I think I'm ready" Chan smiled and got down on one knee, making every gasp, Jeongin looking at him with wide eyes.

"Jeongin, we've been together for a few years and I know it may seem soon to others but I really wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much I feel fully committed to you. You have made me so happy when I was in bad times and we've been through so much. Yang Jeongin, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Chan asked, his eyes glowing showing the ring.

Jeongin whipped tears off his face and nodded rapidly, "yes?" Chan smiled, getting up holding his hand, ‭ "yes!" Jeongin sobs hugging Chan. Chan wrapped his arms around him tightly not wanting to let go.

Chan put the ring on his finger smiling with tears in his eyes, and kissed him passionately. The other clapped and cheered.

"Oh wow I have to call my mom" Jeongin chuckled looking at his ring lovingly

"Can we have the wedding in Australia like Felix did?" Chan asked excitedly, Jeongin laughed and nodded, running his hand through his hair.

"Congrats! It's so sweet, when will it be our time?" Hyunjin asked, leaning on Seungmin's shoulder Seungmins eyes widened and shook his head, "No No no not yet we don't even have a house!" Seungmin and Hyunjin pouted, "yeah I know someday though right?" He asked, and Seungmin just smiled at him.

Days Later

Jeongin was cleaning the fridge, after he was done he made a list of foods to buy like milk, bread, more vegetables and meat. Chan decided to drive him to the store and help him shop.

Jeongin was looking at the sauces and got caught off guard when he saw Yun. He looked happy and calmer. Jeongin saw a slightly shorter boy walk up to him and kissed him. Yun wrapped his arms around the boy kissing him, smiling into the kiss. Jeongin smiled at them and he was glad Yun was treating him better, I mean it was 3 years since then, things were bound to change.

Chan walked behind him and hugged him, seeing Yun too, "you ok?" He asked rubbing his arms, "yeah he looks happier now" Jeongin smiled.

The other boy told him something, with Yun nodding in response, before the other person walked off in a different direction. Yun began to pull out his phone before his eyes drifted up, locking on Jeongin and Chan.

He looked at them, nervous for a second and Chan thought he could see a bit of fear in his eyes. Jeongin smiled at him to help ease the tension, and he thought he could see Yun let out a breath of relief.

Yun smiled, before walking over to them. He still seemed nervous, especially in front Chan. Jeongin looked at Chan, and he could see he was tense.

"Listen, uhm, I understand if you totally wanna kick the shit out of me right now", he began

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