Chapter: 26

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Trigger warning: Yun.

It was now Monday and Jeongin was pretty happy going to school knowing he would see his boyfriend, Chan. He feels the most comfortable with him, safe, like he can be himself. Chan treated him like he was the best in the world, his one and only. He was so so happy. Both of them so so happy.

But sadly Yun kept messing with him. Jeongin decided to try and ignore him, but Yun followed him everywhere. Jeongin was so busy trying to get away from him that he didn't even get the chance to talk to Chan.

So you can say Jeongin was pretty annoyed. He was packing up his stuff and putting his books in his lock when Yun showed up again. Jeongin had to stay after school for an activity. Yun just so happened to be there.

Jeongin finally got worked up and snapped.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Jeongin yelled his voice echoing in the empty halls

"Not until you hear me out!" Yun shouts

"No fuck off! I have nothing to say to you nor do I want to fucking hear you out!" He shouts back

"Please I'm sorry ok! I won't do it again, please take me back!" He begged Jeongin rolled his eyes

"No! You were horrible to me! You made me feel like shit all the time! It took a really good person to help me realize that!" He said crossing his arms

"I'm sorry I can change, I will change!" Yun continues

"No, if I took you back that would be cheating." Jeongin said "unlike you I don't wanna hurt him like that!" He confessed

"What? Who?" Yun said calmly which slightly creeped Jeongin out. He was contemplating whether he really wanted to tell him or not. It wasn't Yun's business.

"Chan, we got together a few days ago" he finally said

"Really small dick Chan?" He laughed Jeongin smirked

"Oh trust me he was not small quite the opposite actually, he fucked me better than you could've!" Jeongin said, feeling defensive of his boyfriend, he doesn't want assholes like Yun talking about him anymore.

"You had sex with him?!?" Yun asked wide eye he just smiled

Yun chuckled, "so Chan is proving my point right? I bet he wouldn't have gotten with you if y'all didn't fuck! Can't you just come back to me I promise I'll treat you right. Better than him." Yun smiled

Hearing this made Jeongin fùcking pissed, Jeongin slapped Yun across the face, shocking him.

"Don't you ever and I mean ever compare Chan to you! he's a fucking good guy 100x better than you! He treats me right and makes sure I'm ok. He checks on me 24/7! He wouldn't use me, he's not like that so you shut. The. Fuck. Up!" Jeongin hissed getting close to his face

He got his stuff and left the school. Once he was out he whipped out his phone and called Chan.

"Yesss my love how was your day?" Chan said with a sweet voice making, instantly him feel a lot better

"Are you working right now?"He asked

"Um no, why are you ok?" Chan asked his sweet voice turning into a concerned one

"I'll tell you later, can you please pick me up from school?" He asked softly

"Oh yeah of course I'll be there in 10 minutes" Chan said, Jeongin smiled and hung up the phone, waiting for Chan.

It didn't take long for Chan's car to round the corner, he jumped out of the car and hurried towards Jeongin, gripping his shoulder's softly. "Is everything alright?", he asked softly.

Even if Jeongin wanted to lie his eyes revealed the truth, he was deeply upset by what Yun had said and he hated that Yun still had such an effect on him, he wished he could just ignore him.

Jeongin let out a sigh, "It's Yun, again", he began, instantly Chan's gaze shifted from one of worry to anger, Jeongin was half ready to just let him go off on Yun, beat him to a pulp so that he never had to deal with him again, but that would just cause trouble for the both of them.
"Calm down, I'm okay he's just been following me all day like a creep, he said some fucked up things and it really made me upset" Jeongin continued, "Did he hurt you?" Chan asked with concern, "No but I hurt him, I slapped him" he smiled Chan looked taken back.

"Good job!" He smiled hugging me. Jeongin felt calm in his arms, happy, safe, and loved, all his earlier troubles melting away. He wanted to stay in Chan's arms forever, but eventually they both pulled away, "Can we head to your house? I don't really feel comfortable going to mine, with Yun being weird and all", Chan chuckled before nodding, "Of course"

They both got into the car and began to drive to Chan's home, Jeongin and Chan talked on the way there, and once again Jeongin felt at peace. Everything's going to be fine, me and Chan are happy and I won't have to worry about Yun for long, he was mostly convinced of that, but despite how many times he was reassured that little voice of doubt kept gnawing away.

Fùck I love writing 😂
Sorry for the next chapter ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Treat you better  ||Jeongchan||✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat