Chapter: 30

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Jeongin heard Yun call his name but he didn't dare turn around. His head was spinning, trying to process everything that had just happened.

He knew Yun had been acting increasingly stranger since they broke up, but this was surely the height of his insanity. Jeongin was so taken aback by his..display that he almost felt pity, though that pity was quickly overcome and replaced by fear.

Jeongin made sure to avoid any alleyways, lest Yun catch him again. He couldn't tell if Yun was still following him at this point but he didn't want to check.

His eyes lit up as he saw his house, he turned into the yard and narrowly avoided falling on the steps and bashing his head in. He threw the door open and slammed it shut behind him, panting for breath.

Suddenly Jeongin's mom rounded the corner, concern evident in her eyes, "Jeongin? Sweetie, what's wrong? You look scared",

Jeongin attempted to let out a sigh of relief though it came out more as a wheeze. He was sure his mom would be working tonight but he wasn't complaining about her being home.

"Yun..stalker...chased me", he panted. "Yun? That boy you broke up with? He was chasing you?", his mom asked as she walked over to him and placed her hand on his back,

"Breathe, everythings alright now. You're safe. Deep breaths", Jeongin followed his mother's instructions. His breathing slowed and he felt his chest untighten, "Thank you", he said.

Jeongin's mother led him over to the couch and sat him down, "Now tell me what happened please, so I can help '', Jeongin nodded and with a sigh he began to recount the events from earlier.

"Yun stalked me home after the fair, he followed me into an alleyway and pinned me to the wall. He started rambling about how I only got with Chan to make him jealous, that I secretly still loved him, then he fell to his knees and began sobbing for me to come back", Jeongin recounted.

His mother's eyes grew wide, "Did he hurt you?" she asked, Jeongin shook his head. He could see worry and anger in his mother's eyes,

"I'm sorry I wasn't around for all of this, I knew he was bothering you, you're brothers told me, but I didn't know it had gotten this bad", she admitted.

Jeongin placed his hand on her shoulder, "No mom it's fine, you're stressed enough with work I can't expect you to rush home everytime Yun does something creepy",

His mom l wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in for a hug, "I promise everything's going to be okay now. I'll take this to the police and file a restraining order, Yun won't mess with you again"

Relief washed over Jeongin once more, finally he would be free of Yun, if he followed it that is. Suddenly there was rapid banging on the door, Jeongin jumped back in surprise.

"JEONGIN! JEONGIN OPEN UP! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! I JUST WANT TO TALK I PROMISE", Jeongin froze, "He followed me..again" he muttered

His mom jumped up and headed to the kitchen, "Stay right there Jeongin, I'll handle this"

He didn't know what his mom had planned but he would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little excited to see what she'd do. "JEONGIN! PLEASE! JUST OPEN THE DOOR" Yun yelled from outside.

She emerged from the kitchen with a large steak knife in her hand, her eyes burning with rage, she threw the door open in a fit of fury and pointed the knife at Yun,

Jeongin got up from the couch and ran to her side, mostly to see what was happening, he knew his mom well enough to know she didn't really need his help.

"You!", she hissed, growing closer.

"Leave my son alone! What's wrong with you? Stalking him, coming to his house, my house, in the middle of the night, banging on the door like a police force!, waking up the neighborhood! you're crazy if you think this will get my son to take you back!", she screeched.

Yun froze in fear, he clearly had been expecting Jeongin's mom to be out and for him to be alone, his eyes drifted to Jeongin standing beside his mother.

"Ms.Yang, please just let me talk to him" he begged

"I don't want to talk to you!" Jeongin shouted, Yun looked desperate and once again Jeongin almost felt bad for him.

"You heard Jeongin! He doesn't want to talk to you, date you, or see you ever again! I'm filing a restraining order!", she yelled walking even closer to Yun, knife pointed directly at his face.
"If you ever touch my son again, or even think about hurting him, I won't hesitate to have you locked away forever, do you understand?", his mother threatened with a low voice.

Even Jeongin was a little scared seeing her be so serious.

Yun simply nodded his head, "Now go!", she yelled as Yun scrambled off her doorstep. He turned to look at Jeongin one more time before running through the gate and down the block.

A few of the neighbors came over once he had left to make sure everything was okay, he really did wake up half the block huh?, Jeongin mused.

After his mother had explained to everyone that they were fine they headed back into the house. Jeongin turned to his mom and hugged her, "Thank you, I appreciate that. You really are the best"

His mom hugged him back, "I know, now go get some rest. It's been a long day", Jeongin nodded and headed up the stairs and into his room, practically collapsing onto his bed.

What a day, he thought his eyes were beginning to close, right as he was about to drift off to sleep Jeongin had a realization, Yun knew where Chan lived as well.

Shooting straight up and suddenly refueled with energy Jeongin only had once thought.


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