Chapter: 35

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I feel like I'm dying 😂 any ways enjoy the chapter

Chan decided to bring Jeongin to work with him because he was concerned about leaving the other boy alone, besides the work would go by quicker and it was always nice to spend time with Jeongin.

My boyfriend, Jeongin!, Chan thought with a giddy smile. Just remembering that fact always brought a smile to his face, even despite all the bullshit Yun had been putting them through recently.

"Alright, here we are", Chan announced parking the car. They got out and walked in the library to clock in. Jeongin took a seat at one of the tables and watched Chan do whatever he was doing.

Seungmin soon walked in and clocked in as well. "Chan! Hey!", he greeted walking over to the two. "Who's this?" he asked. "Hello, I'm Jeongin, nice to meet you", Jeongin shook the other boys hand.

"Jeongin! I think Chan's told me about you before, you're good friends right?", Seungmin asked. Jeongin and Chan shared a knowing look, "Yes good friends", Chan said.

"Very good friends", Jeongin added, hoping Seungmin would get the hint. "Very..good...OH!" Seungmin's eyes lit up in revelation. "You two are dating?", he asked in an excited whisper.

Chan laughed, "Yes, we are", he said, grabbing Jeongins hand. "Congrats!", Seungmin said, "So what are you doing here?"

"Just helping out", Jeongin replied. Seungmin smiled, "Nice, even though this place doesn't get very active, it's a big library, we could always use some extra hands".

The door opened and the group turned to see Hyunjin enter, a bag in his hand, "Hello!", he announced, "I stopped by the cafe and got some snacks for us!"

"Nice!, bring them over!" Seungmin called as the other boy hurried over. "Oh, who's this?" he asked, looking towards Jeongin.

"Jeongin, he's helping us out," Chan replied. Hyunjin nodded before opening the bag revealing some tarts, cookies, and cupcakes, "Luckily I got more than enough for four people!"

The group grabbed some snacks and settled down to talk for a bit before Chan looked at the clock, "We better get some work done", he told Seungmin. The other boy nodded, "Right, you two have fun"

Chan was organizing some books before Seungmin came over, "Soo, your boyfriend huh?", he teased.

Chan rolled his eyes playfully, "Oh please, you're just jealous I actually got with my crush, can't say the same for you and Hyunjin though", he retorted.

Seungmin feigned a hurt expression, "Look, I'm trying okay?, we're making progress", Seungmin defended. "Sure you are"

"Surprised you managed to get with Jeongin at all considering you can't flirt to save your life", Seungmin teased playfully. Chan glared at him and lightly hit him with a paperback, "Oh hush"

"Hey! That's assault, I'm calling the police" Seungmin said. Chan let out a laugh, "You do that"


Jeongin and Hyujin were eating cupcakes and discussing some of their favorite books. "So, Chan and Seungmin are pretty close huh", Hyunjin said looking towards the two boys bantering near the bookshelves.

"I guess", Jeongin shrugged. "You think there's something there?", Hyunjin asked quietly. Jeongin sensed something in his voice, hurt? Disappointment maybe? He couldn't really make it out.

Jeongin smiled, "Well, considering me and Chan are dating, I'd hope not"

Hyunjin whipped around, "You are?" he asked loudly, before blushing and lowering his voice, "I mean you're dating Chan?"

Jeongin nodded, "I'm sorry! I didn't know! I didn't mean to imply he was cheating, I wasn't aware", Hyunjin quickly apologized.

"It's alright, I understand. Besides they are close friends, I can see why you might think that way, but I doubt there's anything romantic going on"

Jeongin could make out a faint look of relief on Hyunjin's face, he decided not to say anything. Is there something between Hyunjin and Seungmin?


"I'm just saying, the last girl you tried to flirt with didn't appreciate you saying her hair was the color of mud" Seungmin said.

"I was five! And it was meant to be a compliment!", Chan replied. "You could've said chocolate or something! Not mud!", the two shared a laugh.

"Seriously though, bad flirting aside, I'm happy for you. I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy. Jeongin seems like a great guy from what you told me, and the little time we've talked to each other." Seungmin said.

Chan smiled, "Thanks. And about what I said earlier", Seungmin looked at him, "About...about Hyunjin?" he asked

Chan nodded, "Yeah. Your crush on him is pretty obvious. And I think he likes you back, or he's starting to", Seungmin blushed, "You think?"

"Yeah, for sure. All you have to do is play your cards right and be genuine with him. I'm sure the two of you could be something" Chan reassured.

After re-arranging and organizing the books Chan and Seungmin joined the other two, it was late and everyone was packing their things. "Thanks for the snacks!", Seungmin thanked Hyunjin,

"And for the company, even though you two didn't help much", he teased. Hyunjin and Jeongin giggled, "Sorry! We were going to but everything seemed so quick", Hyunjin said.

"It's fine really", Seungmin said, helping Hyunjin clean up the table.

Jeongin walked over to Chan, "Those two, are they dating?", he asked watching Hyunjin and Seungmin talking and laughing with each other.

"No, but Seungmin likes Hyunjin, he has for awhile" Chan told him, "Why?"

"When I was talking to Hyunjin earlier, he thought you two were dating and seemed upset, and when I told him I was dating you Hyunjin seemed relieved", Jeongin told Chan, "I think Hyunjin likes Seungmin too"

"Alright, see you guys later!", Hyunjin announced. Seungmin walked over to the other two, he blushed when he saw the stares. "What?", he asked.

"Go! Now! Seungmin he likes you back, Bitch run!" Chan smiled, Seungmin looked at him like he was insane, "what?" Is all he asked Chan walked to him grabbed him by his collar dragging him to the door.

"Don't ruin this for yourself, run to him and ask him out! he likes you!" Chan said and gently shoved him out the door. Seungmin looked scared. Chan locked the door smiling.

'Your an asshole!' He mouthed to Chan, Chan laughed but Seungmin went to catch up to Hyunjin.

"Oh! Hello!, Is everything al-"

"Do you wanna go out? On a date? With me I mean?" Seungmin cut him off. Hyunjin looked stunned for a second, before his face lit up in a smile.

"I'd love to!" Hyunjin said, wrapping his arms around Seungmin and pulling him in for a hug. Seungmin turned to the two boys watching from the library, 'thank you' he mouthed before hugging Hyunjin.

"And the day is saved!" Chan announced, "Now let's head home". Jeongin grabbed Chan's hand and the two walked down the steps.

Jeongin couldn't help but smile, What a good day, he thought to himself


Thank you to lilgaybie for writing most of this while I was disassociating for the first time!
                                             - nebe

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