Chapter: 11

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^ my favorite pic of Chan-

Chan pov

Everywhere hurts so badly. I knew the boys were concerned but I just didn't want to talk about it! I'm sure Felix is a great guy he is. I'm just damn pissed! Who does that I get he had good intentions but I still told him not to say shit he should've respected my wishes especially when it doesn't concern him!

I shook it off and dropped Changbin at the lounge and I dropped Minho off at the gym. They both gave me a hug. Well, Changbin did Minho slightly gave me one. I don't mind I know he doesn't like physical touch a lot.

Now it's time to go to my first job! I love working at the library it was calm and nice not a lot of people. Except for this tall guy with blonde hair. He goes to our school Hyunjin I think his name is but he's very quiet.

I walked in and got greeted by the owner Mrs. Jae she's very sweet! Truly like another better mother.

"Chris!" She smiled yeah she knows my American name I don't mind her using it though.

"We have a new worker to help you out!" She smiled

Wow a new worker that's nice

"Oh wow where are they?" I asked smiling slightly

"Oh dear, what happened to yourself I just recognized it are you okay dear?" She asked in a sweet voice

"I'm ok Mrs.Jae I promise! So where is the worker?" I asked

"Oh, right you will be helping him out let me call him over here!" She smiled I nodded "Seungmin dear come meet your 2nd boss!" She smiled I smiled at that.

This tall boy with puppy eyes and a very pretty smile walked up and gently smiled at me he seemed a little nervous.

"I'm not your real boss by the way I'm just the main worker," I said he nodded

"Well I'm Seungmin I'm excited to work with you" he smiled sticking his hand out I took it and smiled

"Same with you I hope we get along well" I smiled

I showed him around the place and taught him how to use to computer to look up books. how to use the printer, how to put the books in the right order, and the faces in the right way. Also how to work the stamper.

"Also what should I call you?" He asked

"Oh just Chan" I smiled he nodded

"Have you cleaned and taken care of your bruises?" He asked bluntly realizing what he just said he quickly said "I'm sorry if that's an intrusive question you don't have to answer if you don't want to," he said

"It's ok and no I didn't have the time it's ok!" I smiled

"No, it could get worse if not treated! With your consent can I help you clean them? I know how to use first aid I'm sure you do too but I just want you to clean them before they get worse. I'll even take over for you so you can clean them!" Seungmin is smiling sort of rambling

I put my hand on his shoulder signaling him to calm down.

"Ok fine when we have a break you can help me treat them" I smiled at him

"Are you sure I don't want to make you uncomfortable I know we just met today" he said

"I'm sure to thank you for suggesting to help" I smiled he nodded


Jeongin pov

Something happened today with Felix but he won't tell me he just kept saying he screwed up and that he's going to try and make it better. He baked brownies and cookies. I don't know what happened but he feels very bad about it! I really hope it works out I don't want to see Felix get even sadder.

Felix knocked on my door I opened it to see his eye all puffy.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked he nodded sniffing

"Yeah I'm good," he said his voice cracking he cleared his throat "can you go to the library and help me get some more books and return some of the other ones?" He asked I nodded softly

"Are you going to go to the one Chan works at?" He asked I nodded

"It's the closest one," I said

"Ok tell him I'm sorry and I will try to make everything better, please," he said

I nodded slightly confused. What happens with him and Chan last time I saw them they were dancing back to their table smiling.

I got in the car and drove to the library.

Back to the library

Chan and Seungmin just went in their break and they are now in the bathroom Chan with his shirt off and Seungmin helping him treat his bruises.

Seungmin carefully put the ointment on Chan's bruises on his ribs. Chan hissed at the contact.

"Sorry at least it's not infected." Seungmin after they were done Seungmin put a bandage on the bruise he then put ointment on his lips and eyes with a little bandage on his eye.

"Thank you Seungmin we should head out now though," Chan said carefully getting up and opening the door for Seungmin.

Chan walked to the front desk and saw Jeongin come in. He smiled softly at him.

"Hi, Chan- oh what happened to you?" He asked with concern

"Nothing I'm guessing you're here to check out some more books for Felix?" He asked wanting to change to topics.

"Um yes I'm also here to check these in," he said handing the books to Chan.

"Thank you, Seungmin check these in for me and put them back in there shelves I'll help him find his other books" chan told him

Jeongin looked at the guy he didn't notice him nor recognized him.

"So what books are you looking for?" Chan asked with a soft smiled

"I'm some more comics and love stories" he smiled

"Felix wants love stories?" Chan asked confused

"Nope but I do, oh and I don't know what happened with you two but he said he's sorry. He's been beating himself up about it. I hope you can forgive him" he said softly he didn't want Felix to get hurt much longer he cared about the boy

"The comics are ok that shelf and the love books are on shelf number 10. Call me or Seungmin if you need any more help finding what you need" Chan smiled and walked back to his desk

Chan was going to forgive Felix but he just need a little bit of time. I'll talk to him on Wednesday.

Seungmin in the building!

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