Frostbourne's undead problem

Start from the beginning

Crystal heisted for a moment and raised the sword. I held Charlene tightly, and Crystal opened a portal, she walked through it, I was certain she was still here, the sounds of fighting were still going on all around the fort. 

we set off to my lab to get my wings, Daryll taking out zombies along the way, I found Lyria outside the room stabbing serval zombies, but struggling to keep up with the amount. Daryll fired at the zombies and Lyria squealed at the sounds of the bullets. 

"Lyria, Oh thank god you're okay, here can you take Charlene for me? I can trust you with her while we fight off the undead?" I asked. 

Lyria nodded taking my baby from me, and I unlocked the door to the lab and Lyria and Daryll followed me in, Daryll pulled out a massive gun from under my table. "This is the prototype? the one Patrick ordered you to build?" 

"Yes but 1, it's not finished, 2, I would rather you didn't shoot my friend with it Daryll," I said. 

Daryll sighed readjusting his face mask and clicked the side of the energy rifle, it powered up, I had designed it unwilling, Patrick might be my husband, but we don't agree on everything, the weapon is designed to target the power's Crystal have, targeting the very powers in her DNA, it'll either kill her or drain her of her power, I hated the fact I built it. 

"Azura you have to face, you're friend is gone, we need her gone, what makes this any different to Herobrine or Naeus?" Daryll said. 

"Because Crystal's my friend, I know you were never close to her, but some of us were close to her, she's s sweet person, she cares about people, including me, Charlene, why don't......" Daryll interpreted me. 

"I've lost people too, The woman I loved betrayed me! Shot me in the back! Crystal is gone Azura accept it!" Daryll barked. "And what about Lyria? Crystal took her sister from her again, how is that fair! I will end this even if you won't," 

Lyria just held Charlene closer to her self and Daryll walked out the room, I grabbed my wings and headed out after him, Daryll left the lab and was smacked around the head, falling to the ground, now a sleep. 

Lyria let out a small squeal as the undead Dexter walked at us raising her netherite sword. my arm blade popped out and I blocked the sword. "Come on Dexter, you must be able to fit her, come on," I said. 

Dexter growled and I kicked her back, she didn't even flinch, She charges at me, swiping my feet and knocking me down to the ground, and then the air shimmered and Charlie, Meeps, Jun, Elite and a very much not awake William and Kyle. 

"oh Hello, Dexter," Charlie said, was he wearing his PJs? Dexter grabbed Charlie by his shirt and chucked him back, at Elite who was holding up William.

Meeps jumped at Dexter intending to punch her, and Dexter caught her. "Not this time," Dexter chucked Meeps at Jun and Kyle. before turning back to me, and raising her sword, I tried to raise to my feet but I couldn't, my wings had messed up and frozen. 

"Come on Dex, we can be civil about all this?" Charlie said.

"No," Dexter's voice was rough, broken almost, she raised was about to push the sword into my chest.

"Nooooooooooooo!" me and Charlie called, just before the sword could hit me Charlene started to cry. the air around Dexter seemed to change and Dexter's body shifted in unnatural ways, she seemed to cry out in reverse, the colour returned to the skin, and the colour to her eyes and hair, and she fled to her knees, looking at me. back to normal. 

Chalene stopped crying and Lyria handed her to Meeps, who had only just gotten on her feet. She raced forward and squeezed Dexter really tightly. "ah I've missed you, so so much," she said. 

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