"It works out better this way," said Damon dismissively. "We'll let Alaric go in circles trying to find Klaus while we use that time to find a way for you to unlink Elena from him."

"Klaus was going to help us!" said Rosalind. "He was going to find witches who could help so the burden wouldn't fall on Bonnie! He was going to help keep Elena safe! He could have killed her, but he offered for me, her, and Jeremy to go with him on the run. The hybrids would have kept us all safe and Klaus would have run through all his witch contacts and figured this out!"

"And you were going to trust Klaus?" said Tyler. "Rosie, you sound ridiculous."

"He was being genuine, he was trying to be kind! This does nothing to solve the problem. Alaric might still find Klaus no matter where you put him!"

"He just found out I broke the sire bond," Tyler cut in. "Still trust things would have gone well with him walking around?"

Rosalind pinched the bridge of her nose, trying not to lose her temper. "You know what? Do whatever the hell you want. It's what you always do. All of you, you don't give anyone choices for anything. I would think, since the three of you got turned into vampires against your consent and know all about being forced into situations you don't want, you might understand that maybe communication is key and you have to talk to the people who are helping you before you go and do something like this."

"Where are you going?" demanded Tyler as she started to walk out.

"Anywhere but here!" she snapped. "Alaric tried to kill Caroline today, he tried to kill me, he hurt Elena, and he almost killed Klaus, which would have taken all of us down with him. He is so much more of a threat than Klaus is, and I need to take a moment and get drunk and come to terms with the fact I'm probably going to die soon with the way things are going. Alaric will still kill me, and he will still kill all of us. We die no matter what. Because he's out there, linked to Elena, and nothing is being done to fix that. You assumed the worst of Klaus when he was trying to keep Elena safe. I thought you all cared about that but I think you're just putting her in more danger. Did any of you ever think to ask her how she might want to proceed with this?"

They all went silent. "Exactly," said Rosalind, storming back out of the house.

Elena ran after her. "Rosalind, come with me," she pleaded. "Let's go to my house and we'll brainstorm. Please. I don't want you to be alone. We'll make a plan! We'll make a plan of our own and show it to them."

Rosalind's hand stopped before she grabbed onto the handle of her car door. "Fine," she murmured. "Fine..."

She drove them back to the Gilbert House, where they sat down at the kitchen table with Jeremy and Bonnie (who had arrived moments before them), the four writing down different ideas for how they might be able to deal with Alaric.

It did help Rosalind feel better than drinking would have. But it didn't erase the frustrated feeling, especially not when the Salvatores came by to pick up Bonnie. They planned to have her cloak him, then toss him into the ocean for 'safety.'

"I'm going to head home now," said Rosalind before sunset. "I just need to sleep in my own bed for one night."

"Of course," said Elena, walking her to her car. "I'm sorry about Klaus. As much as I dislike him, he was offering a good deal. He even included Jeremy in it, which surprised me."

"He can be good when he wants to be," said Rosalind softly. "Try and get some rest. Alaric won't be able to accomplish anything tonight, hard as he might try. With Klaus gone, there's nothing for him to do. We'll go back to brainstorming in the morning."

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