30 | Christmas Eve

Start from the beginning

To my surprise, it's Christmas Eve, meaning tomorrow is Christmas. Not gonna lie, I completely forgot that today was going to be Christmas Eve.

Yesterday I was still a little pissed at Zayden so it never crossed my mind. And also it never crossed my mind when I comforted him because I didn't want to stray from him. My mindset was clear. Everything about last night was all about Zayden. I hated seeing him cry.

That's the first time in like seven years that I've seen him cry. But as a kid, he didn't cry much, only occasionally when he got hurt. But those were mostly sobs. Not full-on crying like last night. My heart still aches for him, seeing him break down in my arms made all the "anger" I felt in me fly away.

Suddenly, the arms snaked around my waist tighten the hold on me and a head comes nuzzling against the back of my neck. Zayden.

I'm sure he's half awake right now. Now that I think about it, this is the second time we've slept in the same bed and the morning outcome was the same both times.

I would wake up to Zayden's arms around my waist. And for some odd reason, I didn't mind it. To be completely honest, I felt safe in his arms. The same way he felt safe in mine last night.

I think Zayden and I have some type of unbreakable bond that's kept us together all these years. Well, maybe not all these years. But throughout the time we've been together.

Zayden shuffles a little from behind me as he holds me closer to him. "Ali," he says with his amazingly attractive morning voice.

I smile at his words and respond quickly. "Morning, Zayden," I turn to face him to see his eyes fully open, looking back at me.

He shoots me a weak smile. "Morning, Ali." Why, just why does someone's morning voice have to be so attractive?

Wanting to feel more comfortable, I turn my entire body to face him. Once again, we're very close to each other.

Is it bad that I kinda want him to kiss me?

I mean I've never had my first kiss but I'm gonna be seventeen in a couple of months and I still haven't had my first kiss. Nor have I ever done anything with anyone, like been in a relationship.

My life is sad, to be honest. Well not sad, I would say boring. So even if it is my first kiss, I wouldn't mind kissing Zayden.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask him, not daring to look away from our little staring contest. He shrugs a little and his smile fades. "Good, you?" By the looks of it, it doesn't sound good.

"My sleep was okay, thank you for asking" I smile at him until he finally cracks and looks away. I mentally cheer myself on. Winner, as always.

That's a joke.

"Are you sure you slept well?" I ask him, trying to get his eyes to meet mine again. "You sounded a little off when I asked,"

Zayden's eyes finally meet mine again and a smile plasters on his face like all the emotion was just wiped off of him. "I promise I slept well, you don't have to worry but thank you for asking."

I know this isn't the time but his morning voice, gosh. Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll end up being whipped for him.

I highly doubt it though, he's the whipped one. He has always been whipped. Even in the first grade. Zayden's supposed to be a senior in high school right now but he's a junior because he started school later than he was supposed to.

But as I was saying, when we first became friends in the first grade, he gave me half of his lunch when I finished my entire lunch during snack time. What can I say, I was practically starving.

And throughout the days, he kept sharing his lunches with me and that's how we became best friends.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I realize I was zoned out staring at Zayden. Oops.

"I should go to my room now," I try getting up but Zayden puts his hands on my waist, stopping me from doing so. "No, please stay" I look at him with confusion written all over my face but I don't protest.

I nod and lay back down beside him. We just sit in comfortable silence for a bit before he speaks out. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" Um, yes! I love movies with my whole heart.

"Yeah, what movie?" I hope it's Christmas-themed. "Not sure but I'm thinking Christmas themed?" Did he just read my mind? There's no way.

I think for a moment until the lightbulb in my head shines. "Elf?" It's one of the best Christmas movies, you can't say I'm wrong. Zayden smiles at me and gestures at the remote on the nightstand. "Elf sounds good."

Why did a thousand butterflies just start flying around my stomach? I reach over to grab the remote and toss it to him. And like the show off he is, he catches it with one hand.

Wow very impressive.

"Oh yeah, Ali?" He calls out to me. I look at him and make a humming sound.

"Merry Christmas Eve."

Authors Note

This chapter is longer than I intended it to be, sorry about that. I love them so much they are my babies. Also is it "happy Christmas Eve" or "merry Christmas Eve?" LMAO IDK THE DIFFERENCE

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