Chapter 19

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April, making dinner for Swift, couldn't keep her thoughts in place. That damned vamp... she thought, This bond they speak of, it's almost nonexistent. The young maid simply refuses to believe such 'insolence' from a vampire like Rebel. It was just untamed, to her. Her head shook as she proceeded to boil the menaced tomatoes in a big pot.

"Well then, I suppose you will be answering our questions now?" Ghost couldn't help himself but to get out all of his curiosity. He lifted his eyebrow after Rebel showed a sign of discomfort on his face. He glared at Ghost, then down at the table, a low growl escaped his mouth along with droplets of sweat falling down his forehead. I don't gotta answers shit... he says in his mind as he felt the brush of someone's hand touching his own.

The vamp glanced downward, and he traced his eyes up to find that the other hand belonged to Swift. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to..." Swift said in a quiet voice. A light blush showed up on Rebel's face, his heart felt...warm. A change of heart entered him almost instantly, "'s fine. I don' mind." His sudden change of mood caused Swift's eyes to widen, meanwhile Ghost stay with his eyes squinted.

He eventually came to his sense and slightly shook his head, attempting to get out whatever nonsense was in his head at that moment and time. Swift replied softly saying, "Okay. Whatever makes you feel comfortable," still keeping that bland look on his face. "I you will? That answer pleases me," Ghost says directly. "But, I demand that you don't ask anything that could cause major confusion and dismay. Understand, Ghost?" Swift was stern with his words.

Unfazed, Ghost only gave Swift a stupid grin on his face and said, "Whatever it is you want." It wasn't apparent, but that was sarcasm. April walks into the dining room and proceeds placing the tomato soup filled bowls in front of their owners. Rebel's eyes followed her every movement, a little bit of his fangs were showing as he growled at her. April responded with a glint from her right eye. "Thank you, April O'Niel." — "Outstanding tomato soup I must say," Ghost added.

April blushed and uttered, "Thank you, sire..." And with that, she exited the kitchen, shutting the double doors right behind her. Ghost exhaled, satisfied with his progress with the girl; MC was demolishing his bowl of soup atrociously making drop of tomatoes land on the table. Sticking to his plan before answering Ghost's question, he leaned in and kisses Swift gently on the lips. "Thanks for making the cinder-bitch cook up a meal, babe." He smirked. Swift's eyes widened and quickly looked away with a light blush on his cheeks, "Well, I do not appreciate you talking about my maid like that, but I do appreciate your compliment."

Ghost grinned, he knew the vamp was up to no good, so all he could do was smile. Soon enough, his mouth took course. "So Rebel, my dearest colleague..." he started as he adjusts his cuffs and darted his eyes onto him. Rebel jerked and growled lowly, "Don't call me that, I ain't your pal, pal." Ghost chuckled and ignored his statement to continue his questioning. "You do seem a bit off putting when it comes to dear little April. I do wonder, however, do you fear her?" Swift glared at Ghost with confusion, Rebel slams his fist on the table making the dishes rattle on the table and the silverware flung in a sprawl, landing on the floor.

"You've got a lot of game to even think of talkin to me, huh?" Rebel grinned evilly and returned Ghost's energy. "Do you fear me? Is that why you question me?" MC gasped and chokes on his soup, for it went down the wrong wind pipe. That subtle grin that was on Ghost's face was transformed into a blank expression. "That's enough, both of you," Swift demanded. Ghost wheezed with amusement and looked at Swift with a smile on his face, "Please brother, allow us both to get to know one another."

MC nodded in the background, smiling widely out of nervousness; Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes at both of them and continued eating my soup. They continued. "I will say, Rebel, that you are quite hilarious. I see that you have a sense of humor," Ghost mentioned as he slurped up the last bit of tomato soup he had in the bowl. "Hehe...Thanks. I do appreciate the asshole who forced me onto the ground, completely fucking up my entire plan for dinner tonight!" He smiled sarcastically.

"The energy in the room is totally not matching the vibes right now. Or maybe it's just me-"

" isn't..." I responded as sweat fell down my face. Who knows what'll happen next, I asked myself as the tension grew darker and darker.

To be continued...

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