"your a life saver robin buckley"

847 22 8

author note:
hey guys, um sorry if this took long to make or maybe it didn't but ik recently I've been posting late and I've been tired and stuff so maybe they haven't been the best but yeah its just because I only really get motivation to do stuff really late at night lol. anyway how you enjoy it :))

y/ns pov:
on the ride back to robins house i have my arms around robins waist i can feel her quick in hails and exhales. she smells of lavender, its comforting considering im practically balancing on the back of her bike. we're sitting in a comfortable silence. Im feel kinda bad that robins having to deal with this.

"hey robin do you think you mum will be ok with me staying over for a bit?" I ask now regretting my choices.

" yeah yeah ofc she'll be fine with it honestly " robin says and then she goes on rambling about her mum and how she doesn't really take much notice of anything enless its to do with pestering robin about getting a boyfriend.

After a while I rest my chin on her shoulder and just sit and listen as we ride through the streets of hawkins.

"...I meen honestly why does everybody assume that all girls are obsessed with boys and boyfriend and sex and ehhhhhh... I mean boys really, obviously you know im-" mid way through her ramble robin stops very abruptly i can hear her say "fuck" under her breath.

I take my head off her shoulder. " I know what?" I ask

" n-nothing I've forgotten what I was saying don't worry about it honestly its nothing really " she says quickly changing the subject " oh shit we forgot to pack any of your stuff to bring to mine"

and it works im then to busy worrying about what the fuck im gonna wear for the next couple of days." oh shit what should I do?" I ask practically shouting

" um well you can borrow some of mine if you want i don't mind" robin says saving me from panic

" your a life saver robin buckley " I say taking a deep breath in and out.

robins pov:

I'm so glad y/n can't see my face because the hole time they've had their hands around my waist I could feel my face heat up and change colour. I've only really had one crush which was tammy and obviously I've found other people that aren't men attractive before but with y/n its different, different from random people i think look pretty and different from tammy. I just like i want to be around them all the time they make me so happy and they're gorgeous. I love their music taste and it doesn't feel weird or awkward they feel like a really close friend to and I reallycare about them. not that I have a crush on them. I dont think so anyway. that would be weird datingyour best friend sibling? what if their homophic OR OR what if it fucks me and steve friendship up. I wouldn't want that . plus their probably straight I mean im in hawkins in the 80s I have no chance of being with anyone not without being fucking attacked.

omfg I almost forgot I mean how could I forget i needly came out to them 10 minutes ago what the fuck was that. I just I just forgot that they didn't know I mean I felt comfortable to comfortable I cant risk nearly telling them until im sure they'll be ok with it.
fuck I even ramble in my head.

I can now see my house. I pedal faster as its just started to rain. " you should be grateful I gave you the helmet harrington" I say laughing as we reach my front door. just as we step in its starts to poor it down. I drop my keys on the side and prop my bike up again the wall. " mum! I'm home!" I shout
y/n gives me my helmet back "thank-" I cant help but laugh a little.

"what?!" y/n says clueless " no seriously robin!"

" your hair" I say smiling while holding in a laugh "come here" I reach over and flatten out their hair which was everywhere from wearing my helmet.

" oh fuck of robbie" y/n says jokingly, they then make their way up to my room without me while flipping me off as they walk upstairs.

they've now disappeared into my room. "Robbie" im only now processing what they called me. the only person to ever call me that is my mum. my face goes hot, its different coming from them i-i actually like it.

y/ns pov:
I enter robins room and jump straight on to her bed and lay down. not long after me she enters the room smiling.
"do you want anything to eat?"she asks

"nah im good thanks tho" I reply

robin walks over to the radio and switches it on and then she walks over to her wardrobe/closet " here I'll find you something you can sleep in" she says searching for something eventually she throws me a basic knitted jumper and some pajama shorts

" here sorry that took so long honestly I was just trying to find something that was clean" she says whilst laughing with embarrassment " o-oh yeah you can change in the toilet or just where ever you feel comfortable I can go downstairs so you can get changed in here?" before she gives me a chance to awser she leaves saying she'll be back in a minute.

I get changed and then photos catch my eyes on the wall, I go over to look at them theirs loads of robin in band and then I spot two newly printed pictures one of them in a picture taken by steve obviously of me and robin dancing and singing around her room and the other one is a picture again taken by steve of robin with one hand holding my hair and the other hand holding up a thumbs with a sarcastic smile on her face, and in the background you can just see me with my head in the toilet. I smile creeps on to my face as I rember how fun that day was.

suddenly there's knock at the door " hey is it safe?" says robin laughing a bit.

"yeah yeah ofc" I awser ,she enters  with a tub of ice cream in her hand, she then spots me looking at the pictures and laughs.

" yeah that ones my personal favourite it really captures how much of a light weight you are" she says laughing while pointing at the picture of us in the bathroom. I laugh with her and thats when I realised what song was playing on the radio. I turn to robin animated with excitement.

" OMFG ROBIN I LOVE THIS SONG!" I grab her hands and start dancing around (practically dragging robin with me) singing it . robin has broken out in laughter.

"Did you write the Book of Love?
And do you have faith in God above?
If the Bible tells you so
Do you believe in rock 'n' roll?
Can music save your mortal soul?
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?" I sing making robin smile and laugh mostly because I cant sing.

robins pov:

its nice seeing them so happy after everything thats happened. After a while the music stops and we both sit down on my bed out of breath.
" we should get some sleep i have work in the morning " I suggest and y/n agrees

"do you mind sharing a bed if not I can sleep on the floor I dont mind" I ask

" no no yeah ofc its fine if thats ok with you?" they say

"yeah sure" y/n gets in facing away from me and I go to turn the radio off, and then the lights. I quickly run back to my bed and get in " goodnight harrington " I say as I get in facing away from them.

" good night robin"

"don't let the bed bugs bite " I say with a giggle

author note:
ok so it only actually took my a couple hours i hope your enjoying it :)

author note:ok so it only actually took my a couple hours i hope your enjoying it :)

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the day the music died (robin x female/nonbinary reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt