iSee The Third Wheel

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What if T-Bo and Spencer had a small look into how Sam feels about Freddie?

Third Person & Multiple First Person POV

- iSpeed Date
- iSaved Your Life
- in iCarly there was the "Dingo Channel". It was a parody Disney Channel.

WARNING: CREDDIE APPEARS IN THIS ONE-SHOT. I really HATE Creddie but I had to put it here in order to write the One-Shot properly.

General POV

Samantha Puckett was very secure in her place as part of the iCarly trio. She didn't mind being the sidekick. She also didn't mind teasing the technical producer. But when Carly and Freddie began dating things just got all kinds of mixed up.

See Freddie saved Carly's life and she decided she was "in love" with him. Sam would never admit it but she didn't like being left out and jealous. But she didn't realize how obvious her crush on Freddie was....

T-Bo's POV

It was the day of that Girls' Choice Dance that I finally saw what I'd suspected for awhile now. I always thought there was something strange about the way Sam teased Freddie. It seemed more like a child begging for attention but that hadn't been my business. But now all my suspicions had been confirmed by a single moment. A single facial expression. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

It was getting close to closing time and only two couples remained in the Groovy Smoothie. I would have to tell them to leave in about thirty minutes. I started cleaning up the counter and looked up when I heard Freddie clapping. "BEST TRICK OF THE NIGHT!" He exclaimed and one of the girls was missing from the table. I decided I wouldn't question it. Those iCarly kids definitely attracted weirdos often. I went back to wiping down the counter but I heard more screaming. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" This time, Carly. It was followed by an argument with her date about him not letting her finish a single sentence all night and ended with. "GET OUTTA HERE!" Once again, I didn't intervene. This wasn't my business. Their failed dates were their business.

"Don't you think we both deserve a dance with someone who don't wanna kill?" Freddie was clearly talking to Carly. Carly got up and Freddie turned to me. "Hey, T-Bo. Turn up the music."

If I'd known what would happen five minutes later I would have told them it was closing time. But how could I know? I just thoughtlessly turned the music up. I watched as the duo began slow dancing. It was a sweet moment. I smiled and turned to turned to clean the smoothie machines; you know give them some privacy. But something was telling me something big was going to happen so I kept glancing at them. I saw Carly test her head on Freddie's shoulder; both seemingly lost in their own world. Could this be it? Was this the big thing?

I returned to my cleaning with a rather disappointed feeling. Why did that feel so clichè? I thought about this for a moment longer before looking at the couple again. I saw a head of blonde hair through the door.

Sam Puckett.

How would the cosmos fit her into this situation?

She walked in looking rather bummed out. Guess she didn't have a good night either. This dance must have really sucked. But what caught my eye was when her eyes fell on her friends in the middle of the Groovy Smoothie. She stopped dead in her tracks and her facial expression changed. It was something between shock and jealousy. She spent a moment just watching them. I couldn't figure out if she was debating on confronting them or if she really just didn't know how to react. All I know is she walked out the door soundlessly and spared them a final glance through the glass door. They clearly hadn't seen her because they stayed like that until closing time.

The big thing that day was learning I was right. Sam definitely had feelings for Freddie. I'd never say anything about the things I'd seen. They were private moments, not meant for prying eyes.

Spencer's POV

Freddie Benson was hit by a taco truck. The day before it happened, I would have thought Sam pushed him or even joked she did. But that joke didn't seem so funny anymore.

Now one may think it's not funny because he actually got hit by a taco truck. But that's just not the case! The reason it's not funny is how worried she was for the technical producer of iCarly. I'm not ever planning on telling anyone what happened that day in 8C.

But if I did, I know exactly where I'd start. I'd start with the game Assassins. It was a game Carly, Freddie,Sam, and I were playing. It was game where if you got shot by a paintball, you're out. Carly and Freddie were both already out. They'd gotten out pretty soon after the game started. Sam and I always had our guard up because of the game. You may wonder what this has to do with a taco truck but I'm getting there, I swear.

One day Carly came downstairs in a bunny suit with a toothbrush. According to her, it was for some dare. She had to dress as a bunny and offer to brush people's teeth for a dollar. Sam used my lapse in concentration as a chance to blow a paintball my way. I dodged it and Carly got annoyed by the game. "Alright. The game is on hold until the dare is over." She took our paintball guns away; including Sam's backups.

About an hour later, Sam barrelled in the apartment. "SPENCER!!!"

"Hey!! No!" I held up my frozen pizza to defend myself; dropping the pan the process "Carlaysaidthegame is on hold until..."

She didn't even listen to what I said. She just proceeded in her mind game. "FREDDIE'S HURT!!!" She seemed worried but she was an amazing liar. I gave her an expression of disbelief. "Yeah, right. I'm not falli.." Even I wasn't stupid enough to believe Sam cared if Freddie was hurt. She beats him up more often than I set fire to things. Sam took my pizza and threw it to the ground. "I'M NOT KIDDING!! FREDDIE'S HURT!!" Now it's important to note that, in the eight years I'd known her, I'd never seen Sam Puckett waste food. Well except maybe vegetables. But we're talking about pizza. I was now laced with worry as well. I put my oven mitt clad hands up. "Wait, what happened?"

A heavy breath left her before she spoke. "Carly was crossing the street and a big taco truck came around the corner." Another heavy breath. "And Carly didn't see the truck and so Freddie ran out and pushed Carly out of the way."

"Is Carly okay?!" I practically screamed as I took off my oven mitts. I needed to know my little sister was okay. That was my focus now. Sam immediately answered. "Yeah, she's fine. But Freddie got hit."

"Okay, okay. Did you call 911?"

"Yeah. Me and Carly both did."

"Oh, Man. I better call Mrs. Benson at work." That woman was a nurse. She would throw a fit if she didn't know about this. But that didn't mean calling 911 was wrong....I just didn't want to deal with wrath of Freddie's mother.

It was then I noticed Sam eating a taco and I gave her a confused look. "You bought a taco?" She nodded. "Uh-huh." I nodded towards her taco. "From the truck that hit Freddie?" She gave me a look that resembled carelessness. "Well me starving's not gonna help him." She responded before going back to her taco. But while on the phone with Mrs.Benson, I watched Sam and I could tell this was a bit.

You may ask how I know? Well I've known her since she was seven so I notice the little things. Like how worried she looked, the heavy breathing as she recounted the events, the fact she called 911, etc.

But there's one thing people probably dismiss as fake. There was tears in the corners her eyes. I just worry Sam will get her feelings hurt. After all, Carly has always wanted to be saved like Dingo Princesses. Freddie just granted that wish. But despite my worries, Dingo Princesses are fairytales. So maybe things will turn out just the way they should.

iWhat If... (Seddie One-Shots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora