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They fell

The two girls took turns pulling the wagon up to the well as they made their way. "I'm so excited Elara!" Solaris shouted as she tied the rope tight to the bucket handle. "Me too, me too!" Elara exclaimed with equal voice. She let the bucket down to the water and Solaris helped her to pull it back up.

Slowly as they did each bucket the weather took a turn. The sun hid behind big gray cumulonimbus clouds. The sky thundered and rain drizzled, heavy on the ground. The girls loved the beauty of storms but not so far away from home.

Fear crawled into their minds as they held each other's hands. It was too dark to travel back home, they wouldn't be able to see the land marks if they hadn't been washed away anyways.

The wagon wheeled away as the wind blew with the fury of Gods and pressed the girls against the well. They crouched down, taking seat in the wet grass at the base of the well. They huddled close together for warmth as the temperature dropped to an icy winter like coldness.

They cried for their mother. Half hoping she'd come, half hoping she'd stay in the safety of the house.

Back at home the storm had not reach the cottage nor could it be seen coming. Rose-Lynia thought it strange that her daughters were yet to come back but figured they'd simply began to dilly-dally as they often did. It was no strange thing for the two to turn an hour trip into three so she thought nothing of it.

The girls trembled as they felt numb and scared. Lighting slammed against the Earth as though the sky had had something personal against it.

The well was hit with this hell shocking lighting setting fire to the little wooden roof although the rain put the fire out and wind blew the roof right off. The girls cried knowing all to well this would be the end. In some fashion or some way this would be their ending.

And as they thought it was.

Lightening hit the well again blasting the bricks about this way and that. The bricks the girls were leaning against as they huddled together.

"Good bye Elara."

"Good bye Solaris."

The words were quiet but they both heard them. And with all the support gone, their bodies limp from cold, they fell.

Together, holding hands, they fell.

The Daughters of Nature (Short story completed)Where stories live. Discover now