Start from the beginning

"Hannah,transfer the funds which was promised to the Stavros General Hospital and Research Center now."

"Yes Sir!"

Placing the receiver in its place Sebastian turned towards Athena, who was looking like a very satisfied Queen after ordering her servant for a whole day . Annoyed for thinking himself as a servant he asked,"Happy now?"

"Very happy!"

"Well you should return the favor and make me happy too.Don't you think?"

"What!! Why?"

"Well since I am such a 'good' person and also a good friend."

Hearing that Tina ran near the window to look outside.

Seb was irritated to see her doing that-well he was a good person. Wasn't he?

Turning around Tina found him brooding and found immense pleasure in saying with a disbelief tone,"You! A 'good' person? Hah!! Since I don't see the pigs flying ,your dream will continue to remain a dream."

"Ok then I am not a 'good' person but you still have to do it."

She was exasperated with him and herself for even arguing with him about his 'goodness'.Dear Heavens!! she had even left a dozen of  patients to come here and now she was doing what? Arguing with him !!!

To stop the argument from going any further and since she had to return to her 'baby' Tina said with a sigh,"Fine.Why don't you come for the movie marathon tonight? Leo and Dan are also coming. Ana is going to bring food.We are watching it at our house.You know where I live,don't you?

Irritated and insulted that she was asking whether or not he knew her address Seb said,"Well there is nothing better than 'Free' food, no matter how rich you are."Athena nodded her head in approval"but sorry I don't watch girly movies."

Athena was insulted that Seb thought they watched 'girly' movies , as he called it and said tersely,"There is nothing 'Girly' or 'Manly' about movies.Get it in that pea-sized brain of you, Seb!"

Sebastian knew that he was starting to irritate her and found great pleasure in it.He was starting to think of himself as a 'sadist'.

"Well you and your BF's might start watching some emotional drama-"

"Don't even think of completing  that sentence Sebastian."

"OK ok . I was just saying that I don't want to fall asleep during the movie,Tina."

"You won't and anyways we were thinking to watch recently released movies .My choice is :The Avengers:Age of Ultron."

"Oh really .Then ok ,I'm in.Since we are not watching any chick-flick, there is no danger of me being called 'girly'."

Athena was hanging on the last thread of control and was about to retort when her phone started to ring.Sighing she took out her phone from her pocket and saw that it was her lawyer and friend Leonardo Constantinou.

"What's up Leo?"Athena asked Leonardo barely able to control her irritation.

"Well hello to you too,Tina.I'm so pleased to know you have been waiting for me to call."Hearing it Athena couldn't help but laugh"But anyways I actually wanted to inform you that I have found an investment which might interest you."

"Really !!! What is it?"Athena asked Leo happily.

Sebastian watched the pleasure the person on the phone brought to her and was irritated to find himself annoyed with it.He watched how happily she was chatting with the person.

"Well I got a call from Tuscany. Do you know what it means Tina?"

"OMG !!!That's wonderful,Leo !! I'll inform Ana and Liv about it or do you want to tell them yourself tonight?"Athena said teasing him.

"Well if you insist.How can I refuse a 'Lady'?"Leo joked.

Hearing that Athena started laughing.

Seb was becoming more and more irritated to hear her laugh at something with the person on the phone.In fact he was irritated that he was feeling irritated!!!

Acting on instinct , he said tersely to Tina,"How long are you going to keep on talking?"

Athena who was about to reply to Leo turned towards Seb in surprise. Did he sound irritated? But why?Curious ,Athena said to Leo,"We will talk about it tonight,Leo.Talk to you later."

"Oh throwing me out?"Leo teased her"But anyways see you tonight.Take care."

"Ya you too . Bye."

Athena watched Sebastian curiously,"Are you irritated?"

"No, I'm not."

"Well ,you sounded irritated."

"No I didn't!"

"You know, you are acting like a five year old who has been denied his favourite toy."

"No, I'm not."

"NOW you're really acting like a kid."

"No ... and anyways we were not talking about my mood. When should I come tonight ?"

"Hmm .. let me see. Ana should be home by 6 . Liv and I will be home by 7 and since we are going to watch movies for the whole night , so you can come between 6 and 7."Suddenly with a wicked look towards Sebastian , Athena said,"And if you can you should bring some pizza and popcorn!"

Amused at her love for food, Sebastian said with a chuckle," Ok since you are insisting so much , I can think about it."

"Huh fine!! See you later ,Seb.Andio"

Saying that , Athena bid him (the devil) goodbye and walked out of the room.


Hey guys !!

How was the chapter ?? Hope you like it . If you find any mistake , you are welcome to inform me .

P.S.:The picture above is Athena..:)


Your pal,



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