Unfair (1)

377 18 1

Posted 7/13/22

So I'm posting this the same day because I'm just too excited to wait so here you go!!!!!!

Welcome to my mafia book!! This was edited on 7/12/22 by Grammarly so mistakes might still be here. Anyway, enjoy 🥰

[ "I will do no such thing!" ]
[ "You will do it, whether you like it or not young lady" ]


I've been an only child my whole life. I don't have very many friends. My parents have always been super protective. I didn't get to go out and play with other kids when I was little, I never even went to school, I was home-schooled.

I was sheltered from the world, people barely knew I existed. If I ever did go out it was with my parents and I had to sit and be quiet while they did their business.

I've never had love, I've never even had a best friend. I was a loner and it was all my parents' fault. But I'm 19 now, I'm my own person and soon I'll leave this place forever.


This morning I woke up and did my usual routine. I took a shower, brushed my hair, got dressed, and headed down to breakfast.

My mother and father were already sitting at the table when I entered the dining room. "Good morning mother, father," I nodded at him before sitting. I was immediately served breakfast when I sat down. I thanked the maid as she walked away.

I sat in silence as my parents talked about their business, and I was never allowed in the conversation. "Y/N after breakfast get ready we have to go dress shopping," my mom pulled me from my thoughts as she stood up.

"Yes mother," I replied, not really caring why. It's probably another stupid gala. I always stood with my parents or they would make a maid watch me as I sat in the back. No one came up to me or talked to me, if they did my father would freak out.

When I was finished eating I went to my room and grabbed my bag and phone before heading back downstairs. I met my mother in the living room and after a few minutes, we started heading to the car. Our driver opened the door for us and shut them after we were in the car.

"The Dress Shop," my mom demanded. The driver nodded and we drove off. I sat on my phone and put in my headphones.

"Darling take those out," she told me, pulling on the headphones. I rolled my eyes and took them out, putting them in my purse.

Our ride was silent other than my mom talking on the phone the entire time! I just watched out the window. After 30 minutes we arrived at the nicest dress shop within 500 miles.

The driver stopped the car and opened the door for us before driving off. We walked in and we were immediately welcomed. A woman grabbed my mom's jacket as another lady lead us to a dressing room. "If you find a dress come to find me and I will get your size," she said before handing us a key to the dressing room.

"Well, go look around Y/N I don't want to be here all day," she complained. I rolled my eyes and started to look around. The dresses were organized by designer and color, it looks like a rainbow. I started with the blue dresses and found a beautiful blue dress with a small belt of gems around the waist.

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