
It was a Saturday morning and I just took a shower. I wanted to blow dry my hair, but I didn't know where the hair dryer was.

So I went to my brothers bedroom to ask him where the hair dryer was. I walked inside but my brother wasn't there.

But there was someone sitting on his bed. He was older then my brother, around my age. He had long wavy hair and he was wearing the same shirt my brother wore yesterday. When he looked at me I felt butterflies in my stomach, he had pretty brown eyes and just a beautiful face.

I just stood there in my towel staring back at him. "Hello, who are you?" I asked him.

He waved his hand, with rings. I saw some tattoos on his right arm. "I'm Ed-"

He was interrupted by my brother. "I found it!" He walked inside his room past me with a big box in his hands.

"oh I see that you two have met, alright can you now leave Y/n" He said, while he tried to push me out of his room. "put some clothes on".

"wait Dustin, I wanted to ask you where th-" "that can wait, Eddie and me are now very busy, so leave us alone for the next few hours" he said, while he closed to door in front of my face.

Why is my brother like this? But luckily I do know his name now,it's Eddie.

I got dressed and found the hair dryer and put on some simple make up and went to my old friend Nancy.

It wasn't a long drive to Nancy's house. Nancy and I have know each other for a very long time. We both like to write and when me, my brother and my mom moved to Hawkins she was the first person who I became friends with.

I parked the car and walked to the front door. Karen opened the door and welcomed me. 

"y/n long time no see" She gave me a hug and let me inside the house. "she is in the basement with the rest".

The rest? I walked to the stairs to the basement, but before I could walk down the stairs someone hugged me from behind. I looked behind me and saw that it was Holly, Nancy's little sister. 

"you're back!!" She said. I know Holly since she was just a baby and sometimes I had to babysit her, so we have a really good bond. 

"yes I'm back just to give you some more hugs, but now I need to talk to your big sister!" I said while I was smiling at little Holly. "alright" she said, and then she walked away.

I walked down the stairs and saw more people then I was expecting to see. Nancy and Robin were sitting on the couch, while Steve was explaining something. Mike was talking to someone on the phone and Will sat on the floor talking to Eleven. 

The only people that weren't there were; Lucas, Max( but they were on vacation together) and Jonathan( but he was out of town to see a friend).

"finally you're here" Nancy said, while she stood up. "hey Nance my story hasn't finished yet" Steve said. Robin laughed a bit.

"sorry but I have to talk to y/n" she said while she walked up to me.

"OH MY GOD Y/N IS HOME!?" Steve said, he also walked up to me. "out of the way Nance" He said while he pushed Nancy to the side and then he gave me a hug. 

"hey Steve, have you missed me?" I said with a big smile on my face.

"have I missed you? Of course I missed you" He said while he looked at me. Steve turned around and looked at the kids. "guys you're not going to believe this".

"let me guess Y/n is here?" Mike said, while he looked at me and Steve.

"wait Y/n is in Hawkins?" A voice said from the phone, I recognized Max's voice. I laughed at everyone their reactions.

Will stood up and walked over to me and also gave me a hug. Eleven followed him and also gave me a hug. "your hair is starting to grow again" I said while I looked at Elevens hair.

"yes I know, I really like it" she said with a smile on her face.

I hope you liked this chapter

I don't know what to say so:

Have a nice day and OMG you look so pretty today


Forbidden Love // Eddie x Y/n //Where stories live. Discover now