Chapter 39: Master of Chaldea

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1 week later

Romani leaned back in his chair as he was wrapping a phone call, "Got it, just be careful Rin." He slowly hung up placing the phone back down into its holder on the desk.

The small office that Romani occupied was illuminated by a single lamp. Papers lay stacked and unread about on any desk space available. A plate of half-eaten food had yet to he disposed of and there were many mugs laying about.

Romani spun side to side in the office chair as he was thinking about how to handle the current affairs. Monitor on the Doctor's desk showed a map of the world, it was displaying the current battlefields for Black and Red. Major hotspots were split between a spearhead by the Red in Romania, and a counter push currently by the Black held in Egypt. These battles were just about going on for a few months. It was going to be a long war yet again and who knows how many more would be caught up.

A knock broke the silence as Romani leaned forward, "Ah, come in!" He called out.

Door opening as in stepped none other than the Master of Chaldea, Ritsuka Fujimara. His once short unkempt dark brown hair had grown out a little more as once soft blue eyes carried a lot of weight behind them now. Fujimara was wearing a long sleeved black shirt that was rolled up to the elbow and black pants to go along with it. He was not wearing the molle belt currently.

"How's are things?" Fujimara asked as he took a seat in the only other chair in the room as he leaned fully back in it.

Romani sighed, "It could be better." He clicked off the war map as it would only bother the doctor the more he stared at it. "Rin just informed me that she just left Britain and is returning shortly."

"You ever think even if we manage to halt the Grail Wars, that there won't be people who wanna start it all over again."

Romani rested his head onto his hand which was propping up with his elbow. "Selfish needs and desires will always take precedent. I'm positive we'll have to deal with it when it comes too."

Fujimara exhaled in a long go, his mind had been rambling about these kinds of thoughts. Chaldea was already being breathed upon by the Red and Black factions respectively.

"Is there something else bothering you?" Romani inquired as Fujimara hardly ever visited so late suddenly.

Master of Chaldea sat up in the chair, "Why don't we take more active initiative to halt the Grail War?"

"Mmm," Romani knew that could be dangerous, "We could, but our current strength as not exactly suited to deal with the vast amount of servants that each faction possesses."

"There has to be something... what about the Grail's corruption? If the Grail summoned in this war is corrupted again, just imagine the outcome..."

Romani thought about that for a moment, it was true. The last Grail War ended in a catastrophic event, half of Japan would have been destroyed if not for Rin's servant.

"I know the dangers, I as much as Chaldea could be more active, we don't have the Masters to stack up."

A silence fell beneath the two till something clicked for the Master of Chaldea.

Fujimara smiled suddenly, "Romani you gave me a good idea. We can declare a Grand Order. Remember, we still have that world we discovered, a whole reality destroyed because of the Grail."

"That would..." Romani got lost in thought not continuing his words as he knew Fujimara was right.

Marisbury had many ideas and he came up with a system called the Grand Order. Grand Order would consist of various quests performed by Chaldea Organization in order to reverse the eradication of humanity whether may be currently plaguing it.a

"Think about it Romani, there are many Masters and Ex-Masters of both sides whom would be willing to participate. Chaldea is known amongst the circles of the factions and if we declare the Grand Order, we can seriously cause some ruckus. I'm not saying it won't be hard , but there has to be those whom would be willing to help whom have not stepped forward. Corruption of the Grails is too big to not ignore."

Romani thought about long and hard as he was current acting Director and it was his decision that was final.

"On all accounts, it could be a death sentence." He warned.

Fujimara smiled, "It wouldn't be the first time."

The decision Romani was about to make could change the course of humanity for this world. Many of Chaldea's workers held the same resolve as Fujimara, and would agree with him. Marisbury did create the organization for this purpose as well.

"Alright then... we'll call the Grand Order. But, I must warn you as usual more so than before, what can and will occur will be harder than anything. There is no guarantee that more Masters will join us, and our lives will always be on the line."

Fujimara stood up seeming a lot more confident than before, "Romani... this is our duty for humanity. We cannot fail, there is the probability of success for us." His optimism was what kept Romani able to continue most days, even through hardships, Fujimara would find a way.

"Get some sleep, I'll start the process tomorrow."

Fujimara bid his farewell leaving the Doctor to his thoughts. He reopened the map showing the various conflict zones as he wondered how Chaldea should even go about this, perhaps they would have to outright fight for the Grail just to keep it from the hands of Red and Black. But whatever was going to happen, the journey was only going to grow harder.

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