Chapter 15: The last fight

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Keylee slowly leaned back in Void's chest. Since Theo, Tracy and Deucalion had left a while ago to talk to Scott and Keylee still pretended to hate him, she and Void had decided to just, sit down against the wall. Nothing else to do. 'I'm bored.' Keylee announced.

'Normally, this is the time where I would go create chaos and trick someone but I doubt you'f like that.'

'I doubt that too. We can ask each other questions, like, what's your favorite color?'

'Black.' Void chuckled. 'You could have expected that.'

'Maybe. Mine's green. Because it's the color of life, the leafs, the grass. The nature. I don't mean that very green green or neon green but more like emerald green you know?'

'Yeah. I know.'

Void and Keylee both looked up when they heard the clicking of Deucalion's cane. 'So, I believe you are informed about everything now?' He looked down at Keylee.

Void glared up. 'Yeah, I told her, you ruined things.'

'No, I simply sped them up.'

Keylee looked from Deucalion to Void and with a sigh she stood up. Making sure to maintain enough distance form Deucalion, she passed him and picked up the sketch book and pencils Hayden left for her before she decided to join Scott's pack.

'Where are Theo and Tracy?'

'Theo is out with Scott and Liam to find Mason, Tracy is here somewhere around I believe. Don't worry, not within earshot.'

Void stood up as well and slowly walked around. 'You know that he's probably gonna stab you in the back right?'

'I'm aware. We have it covered.'

Keylee ignored their talking and started to mindlessly place some lines on the paper. Now and then connecting some. Putting a little shade... And suddenly it became a person.

'Who might that be?'

Keylee jumped up with a yelp when she noticed Deucalion looking over her shoulder. 'Wh-wha- but you- you're-'

'Blind?' Deucalion blinked and suddenly his eyes were grey again. 'I can choose.'

'Oh, uhmm.' Keylee shuffled a bit uncomfortable with her feet, not liking how close Deucalion stood behind her. She looked at her drawing and then proceed to held it in multiple angles like that would somehow make her recognize the man. 'I'm not sure. I believe his name is Sebastien, French, but I'm not sure...'

Void looked up and stepped closer. 'Can I see?'

Keylee nodded and handed him the drawing. Void stared at it for a while without saying a word. Then he looked at Deucalion. 'Sebastien Valet.' he declared.

Deucalion now looked at Keylee. 'Oh oh, that is not good.'

'What? What is not good? It's just a drawing.'

'No Kitten, do you remember that you drew that very realistic monster like creature at I guess the second day I took you?'

Keylee thought about it. She remembered it now, the moment she was planning to run away but remembered that she had promised not so so she had started to draw. One was a horror cowboy and the other some sort of beast. She nodded. 'I remember, why?'

'Well, you drew the beast of Gevaudan. And this, this is the man. Sebastien Valet.' Void explained.

Keylee still looked confused. 'So? What's so bad about that?'

'Well, the most things you drew were predictions right?' Deucalion asked. Keylee nodded. 'So, when you draw the man instead of the beast or Mason...'

Keylee gasped. 'You mean, you think he's coming back?'

The Void Throughout (Void Stiles - book 2/3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt