Chapter 4

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The main girls POV
We was sitting alone which is usually never the case, Kelly was a very popular girl, she was rich, she was a badass and most of all she was very pretty
Why is she sitting alone? Crybaby thought as she started at Kelly
Kelly's eyes were closed and her head was tilted back slightly against the bus seat
Crybaby then sat back down with her friends but she couldn't keep her eyes off Kelly, which some of Crybaby's friends noticed how much she was looking at Kelly
"Are you okay? You seem to be looking at Kelly an awful lot, did she do something to you?" Angelita whispered to Crybaby as Crybaby turned towards her and then looked back at Kelly
"She's sitting alone, that's not usually the case when it comes to Kelly, she loves to have a lot of attention in her hands" Crybaby whispered back as she looked at the her bag and then reached for it and grabbed a chocolate bar from her bag
"you brought a bag too?" Celeste said as she watched as Crybaby reached out for her bag and dug through her bag and pulled out the chocolate bar
"yeah I thought It would be better to be more prepared next time, just in case we have another incident with the blood stuff like last time" Crybaby said as she looked at Angelita and pulled out a tampon and smiled as she looked at her
Suddenly the door opened as everyone looked to see Brandon walking in to the bus as Leo greeted him at the door
"Good to see you, buddy" Leo said as he smiled at Brandon and put his hand out
Brandon smiled slightly and shook his hand and then walked down the bus aisle to Lucy and sat beside her with a smile on his face as he approached her
Leo smiled as the bus door closed and then stood in front of the bus aisle
"now before we start going back to this whole building that has almost fallen apart" Leo said before pausing in mid sentence as he looked at the main crew in the middle of the bus where they were sitting
"It's lovely to have all of you back with me in this beautiful school once again after the last year" Leo said as he smiled as everyone looked at him
Kelly used her powers to mute the bus drivers ear and leaned against the seat in front of her
" thanks to my beautiful and stunning sidekick, Kelly, the K-12 school building is still standing even though she's one of the black eyed freaks" Leo said as he looked at the back of the bus to see Kelly sitting there  with her head turned down to the ground and then looked at the main crew with anger in his eyes
Kelly's then made eye contact with Leo as everyone looked at her with fear in their eyes
"She's one of us" Crybaby whispered as the crew looked at her
Kelly looked at Crybaby and then narrowed her eyes in a warning to stop looking at her
"Crybaby, it was a fairly cute attempt to take out K-12, but I will give you the credit to taking on my dad and surprisingly for you woman to actually take him out with such strength that you have" Leo said as he walked down the bus aisle and then stopped in front of Kelly with a smirk on his face
"I just can't thank Kelly enough for saving this whole place, I want everyone to show some respect towards Kelly this whole year, I don't want any bullshit from any of you, if I hear one complaint from Kelly about what you have done to her there will be punishment for each and everyone of you" Leo explained as he smiled as everyone sighed and groaned and then looked at Kelly with a disappointed expression on their faces as they frowned at her
Kelly then looked away from everyone and faced  towards the window so her face was hidden
"show some respect and say thank you towards Kelly, will you?" Leo said as everyone looked up at him and then
"thank you Kelly" everyone said sarcastically as they looked at Kelly and looked up to the ceiling, rolling their eyes
"you're welcome" Kelly mumbled as Leo nodded his head and smiled and then walked back to the front of the bus and then leaned against the front seat where the two blue boys were sitting as Kelly unmuted the bus driver's ears
The bus had looked a little bottle different From the last time the students had seen it, The seating arrangement had changed a lot, Kaylee was at the very back all alone and no one was beside her and the other seat across from her and her face was tilted towards the window so no one could see her
"I kind of feel bad for Kelly for some reason" Crybaby whispered as she looked at her chocolate bar and thought about giving it to Kelly to make her feel a bit better about herself, Crybaby really could tell that Kelly wasn't feeling the best for some reason
"Girl, are you serious? She's done so much terrible stuff to us and many others! she was the one that brought his building back up again, she's the reason why every single one of us are going back here" Celeste said as she turned towards Crybaby with a confused look on her face
"I know but some for some reason this one part of me is just telling me to feel bad for her and give her my chocolate" Crybaby said as she looked down at her chocolate bar and then looked at Kelly who was still facing the window, hiding her face away from everyone
"I don't really know, I know Kelly doesn't really like that much attention on her, And I'm pretty sure she hates all of us, especially me and Crybaby" Angelita said as she looked at Celeste and Crybaby with a slight frown on her face
"I know she definitely hates you and me, I was the one who left the group and I guess it looks like I left the group for you guys, even though I did it because I knew it was the right thing for me" Fleur said as she looked at Crybaby as her started sniffling as her voice cracked a bit
Crybaby then looked up at Fleur and then lay her head on her shoulder in a comforting way
"I think we will all be okay when it comes to Kelly" Crybaby said as she looked down at her chocolate bar and then looked at Kelly
After Leo was done with his whole big speech towards the main people who caused the trouble towards the building, He then put his AirPods in his ears gently then began to listen to his music, his music was a bit of rap with some rock in between, he let the music play as he watched and sort of listened in on some of the conversations in the bus
Ben looked over at Kelly and then looked at the main crew and then smiled
As long as those girls are safe and maybe eventually take down the building again and take out Kelly, I think I'll be fine Ben thought as he tilted his head to the side
Leo then stood beside the bus driver as the bus moved slowly on the road
"so how long have you been doing this job?" The bus driver asked does he looked at Leo and then to go to cigarette and began smoking
"ever since The ending of last year when some people tried to destroy the building which luckily failed" Leo said as he looked in the mirror to where he could see Crybaby and her friends talking to each other and laughing and giggling
"did you ever figure out who tried to destroy the building and why?" The bus driver asked as he slowly blinked, trying to keep his eyes on the road without being bored
"not yet but I'm certainly gonna look for them, I still don't know why anyone would do that or what it would push someone or something to do something like that to such a beautiful school" Leo said sarcastically, not knowing that Kelly had muted his ears as he looked outside as the bus passed by bushes and trees
Crybaby POV
Crybaby then looked up at him with confusion and then looked back at Kelly and realized that she might be on Leo's side
"Guys, I think Kelly is really in Leo's side, I think she muted the bus driver's ears when Leo was talking about what happened" Crybaby said as she leaned her head against the seat in front her and then looked at Celeste and Angelita
"Girl! I thought we all knew that Kelly and Leo were a team since we looked up at the building from when we tried to destroy it" Magnolia said as she looked at Crybaby and laughed slightly
"I can't remember it all, plus, someone pulled me in the right away!" Crybaby said as she looked at Angelita and then giggled
"I was scared! I just wanted you to be safe and sound and I wanted you to be home cause I knew it would be safer for all of us!" Angelita said as she started laughing with Crybaby
"Okay, I guess you're right" Crybaby said as she rolled her eyes, playfully
Leo turned his head towards the main girls and then smirked and shook his head as he looked outside
Outside of the bus was a beautiful sight to see, there were trees in the sun was shining bright and up in the sky for everyone to look at l, The sun being touched every single land  that the bus was surrounded by
"What about you? How long have you doing this job for?" Leo asked as he looked out the window and looked at the water from where the bus had crashed into
"about fifteen years now" The bus driver said as Leo widened his eyes a little in an impressed way and then looked at him
"That's a long time" Leo said as he squinted his eyes as the bus driver nodded
Brandon POV
When Brandon sat down beside Lucy, he quickly turned around and looked at Kelly and then looked back at Lucy sand the smiled is she twirled her hair and smiled at him politely, Brandon knew that Lucy was a better girlfriend that Kelly for him mentally and physically and even emotionally
Lucy made Brandon happy and she didn't try to control him or get jealous when he would talk to other girls
"How was your summer break? I assume you did a lot boy stuff and hanged out with your best buds, huh?" Lucy asked as she looked at Brandon and smiled teasingly as he chuckled
"I sure did and I assume that you were doing girly things such as doing make up and other cool things that you girls do" Brandon replied as he teased her back, jokingly as a smile escaped from his lips
Lucy laughed and then nodded her head as she looked at bright smile
"would you believe me if I told you that I did my mothers make up for her over the summer?" Brandon said as he leaned his face closer to her and smiled
Lucy laughed and looked at him with a welcoming smile
"I can totally see you doing that for anyone, your just silly like that" Lucy replied as she smiled as Brandon let out a small chuckle
"what is that supposed to mean?" Brandon said as he looked at her and smiled
"nothing bad, it just means you're a silly, funny guy  and to be honest, I really like that about you" Lucy replied as she looked at him with a smile as Brandon smiled and tilted his head as he looked at her
"You really mean that?" Brandon asked as he felt his loveable and soft feeling in his heart sink into his chest in the best way possible
"Of course" Lucy replied as she smiled at Brandon
The bus was very loud and a bit squeaky but the power of everyone talking with their voices would overtake the sound of the bus driving on the road, for some reason everyone was really not that disappointed to go back towards the building they were a couple months ago Other than the main that had caused the trouble
Kelly POV
"Stupid fucking principal, I should've let K-12 fall away into its misery" Kelly mumbled to herself
Although, I can get some revenge and let out my feelings towards those damn freak shows after what they've done to me Kelly thought to herself as she looked out the window and watched every second of the bus moving
Kelly then looked over at the main girls and watched them as they laughed and played games with each other
Kelly was upset about loosing her friends due to what she had done to them but she told herself she would stay away from everyone she used to hang out with for her confidence, she wanted to show everyone that she didn't need friends and she could survive the horrid building that Leo and his father have created but she was upset to be all alone with out- Leo.. Leo wasn't against Kelly
That's when it hit her, Leo wasn't against Kelly, in fact- Kelly and Leo were supposed to be on a team
Kelly then stood up and walked up to the front of the bus as the main girls moved aside to the aisle was clear for her
Kelly then stood beside Leo as he looked at her and narrowed his eyes
"What are you doing? I thought the plan was to stay away from me" Leo said as he crossed his arms and looked at her
"Well, you kind of revealed that I was part of that little freak show gang" Kelly said as she looked up at him and narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms
"How?" Leo said as he looked at her and chuckled
"about keeping the building up, only people with powers can do so much to the building. People with the black eyed powers can keep a building from being completely shattered to pieces, and I am not a part of that little stupid crew" Kelly said as she looked him in the eyes
There was a moment of silence before Leo bursted out laughing and whipping his eyes from tears that may have escaped from his eyes
"It's not funny!" Kelly said as she clenched her teeth as Leo turned her around and put his arm in her shoulder and leaned into her a bit
"that Group with the black eyed powers is your group, you belong with them" Leo said as he moved his hand a bit and pointed his finger over to the group as they looked at him and ducked down a bit
"I am not a part of that group!" Kelly said as she raised her voice before Leo pinned her to the wall of the bus
Kelly went silent and looked at him with disgust in her eyes
"Black eyes with freaky power, seems like you wear the same skinny little stupid dress as they do and is a damn woman, you're exactly like them" Leo said as he put his hand up as Kelly looked at his hand and then ducked beneath his arm and then stepped into the bus aisle
"You're a sexist little bitch" Kelly said as he crossed her arms and looked at him
"You're my bitch" Leo said as he grabbed Kelly's waist and pulls Kelly into his waist
Kelly's eyes widened as she clenched her teeth with the feeling of disgust in her whole body
*Slap Noise*
Kelly had slapped Leo across the face aggressively as Leo let go and held his cheek
"Oh!" Everyone said as they gasped with shock as they watched Kelly slapped Leo across the face
Leo held his cheek and looked at Kelly with anger and surprise in his expression
"Don't EVER call me your bitch or touch me, ever a again you fucking creep" Kelly said as she narrowed her eyebrows with her eyes widened slightly before walking back over to her seat and sat down and looked out the window and she took deep breaths
Ben watched as Kelly slapped Leo across the face
"Oh damn! Oh shit, what the fuck!" Ben said as everyone gasped
Ben then started laughing to himself and turned away and closed his eyes and chuckled and then turned around and watched as Kelly walked back to her seat and sat down
Everyone had just experienced Leo getting slapped by Kelly and then walked away like it was nothing
Crybaby POV
The main girls watched as Jelly slapped Leo across the face
The girls don't start laughing and making fun of Leo after what Kelly had just done to him
"damn she was not having it at all! Go queen!" Magnolia said as she covered her mouth and started to laugh along with the other girls
"that was so well deserved though not gonna lie, Kelly popped off!" Angelita said as she looked at the other girls and laughed
Crybaby looked back at Kelly to see her hiding her face away from everyone once again
Crybaby wanted to give the chocolate to Kelly so bad but he knew that Kelly would probably just deny it and tell her to leave her the fuck alone
"I feel like I should talk to her and give her some thing for doing that, she probably does not feel good about what happened even though she show him who's boss" Crybaby said as she looked over at Leo and then looked back at Kelly
"that's up to you but I think she would just tell you to leave her alone or just make fun of you again, like she always used to do" Celeste said as she looked at Crybaby and watched as she grabbed her chocolate bar and looked at her
The chocolate bar that Crybaby was holding was a white kit Kat which was usually Kelly's favourite to have when she was feeling bad about herself, and the only reason that Crybaby knew that was because of Fleur telling her about Kelly and the experiences she had with her and the other girls
Crybaby sat there and thought if it was a good idea to give the chocolate bar to Kelly or just to leave her alone, although Crybaby knew that in that moment Kelly was not in a good position and clearly felt bad and felt sick to her stomach after what Leo had said and done to her
What should I do? Kelly probably feels bad and might need comfort but at the same time she might just want to be left alone Crybaby thought as she gripped the chocolate bar and started to think
Do you think that Kelly needs the chocolate bar and I bit of comfort or do you think that she needs to be left alone? A voice called out to Crybaby as she was thinking to herself
I don't know, I feel like she needs both, but I feel like she would just push me away and tell me to leave her alone Crybaby thought as she looked at Kelly
Maybe she needs both, you can give her the chocolate bar and then leave her be The voice called out once again
Crybaby nodded and then turned towards her friends for a second
"I'm going to go give this to Kelly and then I'll be back right away" Crybaby said as her friends looked at her and then looked down at the chocolate bar
"Are you sure, girl? Kelly can be a bit scary sometimes and she's not the type of girl I'd like to mess with, plus she has powers just like us, but hers seem to be different, we don't know what she could be planning" Magnolia said as she looked at Crybaby with a concerned look on her face as she watched as Crybaby stepped into the bus aisle and looked at Kelly
"I know but I wanna make her feel better, I can tell she isn't having the best time right now, especially after that" Crybaby said as she held the chocolate bar in her hands and took and deep breath in and then a deep breath out before walking down the aisle slowly towards Kelly's seat
"that girl is too kind sometimes" Celeste as she watched Crybaby walk down the aisle
"Tell me about it" Angelita said as she looked at Celeste and smiled

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