Chapter 2

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Time skip to next Year

Crybaby POV
When it was the morning, Crybaby's alarm clock went off beside her on her table
Crybaby opened her eyes and grabbed the Alarm clock and shut it off and then tossed and turned over to the other side did the bed, looking at the calendar
Her heart dropped as she saw red on her calendar
There was red marker in a circle with the letter "K" and the number "12" with a "-" in the middle
Oh god, we gotta go back! Oh no, no- what's gonna happen to me? I can just imagine how mad Leo will be at all of us, plus, I think Kelly still hates me and my friends as well. Back to the world where girls would wear pink dresses and boys that would wear blue pants and a blue shirt. The world that I had tried to destroy with all my friends. How could I be so stupid? Crybaby thought
In that moment, Crybaby panicked and got out of bed and scribbled out the day before going over to her dresser and changed into her uniform quickly and then dashed over to her table in her room and sat down nervously
What am I gonna do? I'm sure Leo and the other teacher's are gonna hate me after what I did, and I know K-12 is still standing ground
Crybaby thought to herself as she put her hands over her head with stress and began shaking and nervously breaking down into tears
But how though? She thought as she looked at her calendar and let her hands drop down to the table before standing up and grabbing her cereal and pouring it into a bowl as she took the milk from her miniature fridge in her room
"I hope Kelly's okay" Crybaby mumbled to herself as she poured the milk into her cereal and began eating it very gently
Maybe Lilith will help us again Crybaby thought to herself
"Crybaby" Her mother said as she looked up at her and then smiled friendly
"Good morning, mom" Crybaby said gently as her soft voice came through
"Morning Crybaby, I hope you're ready to go back to your school for another year. Are you?" Her mother replied as she turned towards her daughter with a slight smile on her face
"Yes mother" Crybaby said as she nodded and smiled politely
"Perfect, I'll walk you to the bus stop this time" her mother said as Crybaby let a smile escape from her lips happily
After she finished eating she grabbed a backpack and packed some stuff just in case it was needed
Angelita POV
It was weird to know that I had to go back to that stupid building again, but at least I'll have my friends there, all though we probably will have to deal with that annoying girl, Kelly she thought to herself as she opened her eyes and looked around her room before getting up
She then walked over to the mirror in her room and sat down in a chair and brushed her hair gently
The brush glided through her hair as she began styling it a little bit before walking out into the kitchen and looking out the window to see if the bus was there yet
There was nothing in sight, so she grabbed a top cabinet and then opened it and reached for the toast
Once she grabbed the toast, she closed the cabinet door and turned towards the toaster and put the toast in it and pushed the lever down and waited for the toast to be all warm and lovely to eat
A sudden pop was heard from the toaster as she looked over at the toaster to see the toast popped up and all brown, the perfect amount of heat added to the toast
"Angelita, is that you out there, honey?" Her mom asked as she raised her voice so her daughter could hear her
"Yes mom, it's just me" Angelita replied as she paused what she was doing and looked over to where her mother's voice came from
"Oh good! You have a good time at that school, sweetheart" Her mother said as Angelita nodded
Angelita smiled and grabbed the butter from the counter and opened the cabinet and grabbed a plate, using her powers and then placed the toast in the plate gently and buttered her toast as she sat down and began eating
After she finished her toast, she smiled and put the butter and the other objects see used for her breakfast away back into the cabinets where they belonged
She then sat down in the living room, waiting for the bus to arrive outside her driveway for her to walk up
and go into the bus
Celeste POV
"Ugh" Celeste groaned as she woke up and looked over at her calendar to see "K-12" on the calendar
"Here we go again with bull shit" she mumbled as she sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes and then looked up toward her window in her room to see nothing in her driveway
I hope I didn't miss the bus, but that would be kind of funny if I did she thought to herself before giggling a bit
She then stood up and then stretched before walking over to her dresser and putting in her uniform on and then walking out to her living room and grabbing a banana and then lay on the couch and waited for the bus to arrive
"Celeste! Are you up? Or do I have to go in there and wake you up?" Her father yelled from downstairs as he walked upstairs to and looked around
"I'm right here" Celeste replied as they made eye contact with each other
"Oh good, that's great" her father said as he walked over to the kitchen and sat down and lay his head down on the counter
"Was last night fun?" Celeste asked, looking at her father as he chuckled and sighed
"Yeah, it was pretty amazing" her father replied
My father always loves to go out late and drink with his friends every Sunday, I'm not surprised that he's still a bit affected from after all that Celeste thought to herself before turning her head towards the window and sighed
Ben's POV
"Ben! Wake up, boy!" His mother said as she walked over to his room and opened the door and looked at him
Ben was asleep and his room was filled with clothes all over his room
"Ben!" His mother shouted at him as he woke up and jumped
"What? What? What's going on?" Ben said, worriedly as he opened his eyes and sat in his bed before looking at his mom with a confused look in his face
"You're room is a mess! Clean it up before you're late for your bus!" His mother said as he sighed and nodded
"Yes, ma'am" Ben said as he looked at her before standing up and looking around the room
"That's my boy, you be all ready and clean when the bus is here, alright?" His mother said as she narrowed her eyes and tilted her chin down and lifted both her eyebrows
"Yes mom" Ben said as he looked at her and began cleaning his room
"That's my son, better be nice and ready" his mother said before closing the door and walking away
Ben nodded and began cleaning up his room
God dang that women's a feisty one Ben thought as he took his clothes off and sat down on his bed and did his hair before pausing
Gotta love her though, she a real one Ben thought to himself again before he smiled and then put his clothes on and sprayed deodorant on him and then walked out to the living room to have breakfast with a tired expression on his face
Magnolia POV
Magnolia's alarm clock went off before she could use her powers to throw it into the closet
She groaned as she looked at the calendar and frowned to see the date of the day she had woke up on, she knew that she would have to return back to that same school she had to deal with the same people from before
She then stood up and walked over to a mirror and looked at it and looked at her hair
"Oh girl, I gotta style this" she said as as she chuckled to herself and began doing her hair
She giggled as she glided her hand through her hair with a smile before standing up and giggling and walking out to her living room and sitting at the counter where food was lay out
She grabbed a muffin and then grabbed a cup and poured water into it and then skipped over to the living room and sat in the couch and turned on the TV and began to watch whatever was on at the time
"Magnolia, are you getting ready?" Her mother said as she walked down the hallway and twirled her hair and put lipstick on her face before turning two arcs her daughter with a smile
"Yes Mother, I'm all ready to go" Magnolia replied as she bit into her muffin and looked at her mother with a smile on her face
"Alright, that's my girl" Her mother said as she laughed out loudly and then sat down beside her and watched TV with her
The two girls watched TV until the bus showed up at their house
Fleur POV
An alarm clock went off loudly beside Fleur's ear
Fleur opened her eyes and blinked slowly and then eventually opened her eyes and looked at her calendar and then frowned as she saw the date
Not again with this place, the place was so awful but at least I had my friends there with me so I'm not alone with Kelly and the other girls this time she thought to herself and paused as she turned to her dresser and looked at it Hopefully she thought again before standing up and sliding off her bed over to her dresser
She then grabbed her uniform for the school and put it on as gently as she possibly could so it wouldn't get ruined
What's going to happen to us after what we did to that building? I'm sure Leo is gonna punish us and do some horrid things to us She thought as she looked in the mirror and felt her face
"I need makeup" she mumbled to herself as she turned towards her make up cabinet in her night stand and pulled the knob out as the cabinet flew open, revealing tons of different kinds of makeup
She then grabbed foundation and grabbed a sponge and squirted some of the product on the brush and began spreading it around in her face to cover her acne that she finds ugly
"Fleur, wake up sweetheart, it's time for school" Her mother said as she walked in the room and looked at her daughter
Fleur turned around and looked at her mother and then got nervous
"Honey, why are you wearing so much makeup, you don't need it" Her mother said as she grabbed a stool and sat down beside her and put her hand on Fleur's shoulder calmly and gently as she could without scaring her
"I wanna look pretty for the year, all my friends looked stunning last year with their pretty dresses and jewelry" Fleur said as she smiled nervously and grabbed a necklace off her night stand and put it around her neck with a smile on her face as she looked in the mirror
"Did they make you dress up? Other than wearing that fancy uniform you have at the beginning of the hear?" Her mother asked as she watched as her daughter began putting on sparkly jewelry and eye shadow on her
"Nope, I just want to look all nice for my friends like they were for me" Fleur replied as she looked at her mother and smiled
"Even Kelly?" Her mother asked as she looked at her daughter with curiosity
"Yeah, even Kelly dressed up, but it was rare" Fleur said as she looked at her mirror and paused and thought about how Crybaby had saved her from Kelly and other girls
"That's surprising, I always though that Kelly's not the type of girl to dress up and be so fashionable" her mother replied as Fleur stood up and walked over to the door as her mother followed her foot steps as they both walked out into the kitchen and sat down in the living room as her sister brought food to them
"Thank you, dear" Her mother said as her sister nodded and left the room and walked back into her room
The two girls began eating their food politely and waited for the bus to show up for the senior
Kelly POV
When Kelly woke up she went straight to her dresser and changed into her uniform for the school
Suddenly there was a loud aggressive knock at Kelly's bedroom door
"Kelly, get up, it's time you finally go back to your fucking school" Her dad shouted as he leaned against the door, making it clear that Kelly understood and could hear him
"I know, dad!" Kelly shouted back as she looked at her bedroom door with an annoyed expression on her face before her dad walked in
"The hell are you wearing? It looks like you just woke up and fell out of a trash can, and put some makeup on, will you?" He said as he barged into her room and stomped over to her and started putting his hands on her
"Get off me! You know I don't like to be touched!" Kelly said as she raised her voice at him and pushed his hand off her
"Don't you speak to me like that, young lady! I am your father, and you show nothing but respect to me!" Her father said as he hit her shoulder
Kelly moved her body away and gave him a death glare after he hit her shoulder
"Put some makeup on and get ready for school, you little brat" her father said as he walked out and slammed the door behind him
Kelly then groaned and rolled her eyes as she grabbed her makeup and started putting on her face and over her body so her father could finally leave her alone
She then dressed up and put stuff in her hair and put fancy jewelry on and walked out to the living room confidently as she could
"That's better!" Her father said as he looked her up and down and smirked slightly as Kelly took an orange out of the fridge and looked at it as she thought of how Crybaby had taken Fleur from her and brought her into that group as she squeezed the orange in anger
"That little bitch" Kelly mumbled to herself as her eyes widened with intensity
Kelly was furious whenever she thought of how Crybaby had taken one of her friends and turned her into one of her own to take out K-12 along with her other friends
Kelly then let it go for that once and peeled the orange and began eating it as she stood in the kitchen and leaned against the counter and started to eat her pieces of orange and then walked over to the little couch beside her window and waited for the bus to arrive
Brandon POV
In the morning when Brandon woke up his mother was there by his door as she knocked gently
"Brandon, it's time to get up! You're father is waiting to walk you out to your bus this year" His mother said as he yawned and looked over at the door and then turned around in his bed and then stuffed his face into his pillows and tried to ignore her
There was a long silence before his mother opened the door and walked into his room and tapped his shoulder gently and looked at him
"Brandon, get up, it's time you go back to school" his mother said as Brandon turned around and looked up at her and squinted his eyes and then looked over at his calendar in his room beside his mirror and
Ah shit he thought as he nodded and put his head back into his pillow
"I'll be up in a minute, just let me wake up fully, please" Brandon said as his mother smiled and pat his shoulder gently and calmly
"Of course Brandon, take your time, we don't want you to be too late though" His mother said as she let go of him and smiled politely
"I know" Brandon replied as he looked over his shoulder a bit to see his mother standing there with a smile on her face before she walked out of his room and closed the door behind her quietly and gently as she could
Brandon sighed and then sat up in bed and then grabbed his hair gel and his brush and did his hair before getting dressed
He combed his hair to the side and spread the hair gel in his hair and styled it as best as he could before leaving his room and going outside to the living room to eat his breakfast
When he got out of his room he grabbed a protein bar and ripped the package off and began chewing on it as he threw the useless package into the garbage and then walked into his living room and put his shoes on and waited for the bus to arrive at his house
Leo woke up and looked at the calendar with an evil smile on his face as he sat up and then slipped off his bed and got dressed
"Finally the moment has arrived for me to be one successful principal" Leo said as he brushed his hair and put on a bow tie and then looked out the window with a giant smile on his face
"Along with my sidekick, Kelly" he said as he looked at his bedroom door and then walked out into the hallway and rushed into the kitchen and quickly ate his breakfast and put his dishes on the counter and then ran down to the bus driver's station
Leo then waved to the bus driver as they both walked to the bus and began their work for the day
Brandon smiled as he stood beside the bus driver and watched as the bus began to move on the smooth road
"Yes! Finally!" He said as he let out a laugh after speaking as the bus driver looked at him like he was crazy
Leo then looked at the bus driver with an awkward expression in his face
"I- uh- I love my work, that's all" Leo said as he chuckled nervously and then turned away
"I can see that" the bus driver replied as he chuckled to himself and shook his head in embarrassment
"I'm going to really love my job this year" Leo whispered to himself as he giggled and looked at the road as the bus came across houses and stopped as students walked out and headed inside the bus
Lilith POV
The sun was bright and shiny in the sky when Lilith had opened her eyes, The sun filled her room with the light of its beam of shine
She opened her eyes and let her eyes wonder around the room as she sat up in her soft, warm and cozy bed before getting out of her soft black bed
She then got dressed and combed her hair gently as she could
She styled her hair so that it would be up in a beautiful ponytail, she put a blue hair tie in her hair
There were flowers and pretty and shiny diamond din her dress with a glowing sensation of a faded red through her dress
There were sparkly little red roses through out the line of red in the dress
She then walked over to her food selection and grabbed out a bag of chips and poured it into a bowl and then grabbed some vegetables from the fridge in her room and then sat on her bed and began eating, waiting for the portal to arrive in her room
Meanwhile at K-12
The teachers were ready to teach their students again, and they were told to keep and eye out for Crybaby and her other friends who had caused all sorts of trouble in the last year
The building was clean and everything was all sorted out nicely and ready for the students to finally return for their next year in the building
Some of the classes were a bit different, but not a lot was changed
This was K-12..

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