chapter 12

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They couldn't get over how dale looks now a whole new and different man when he looks in the mirror and likes who he sees out by the back of their house sitting on a log watching the gator's go back and forth looks up as tammy sat by him with good news gaga is doing much better doesn't need or want drugs anymore wanted to thank him but she thought her father wasn't in the mood to have anyone around at the moment she could tell by looking at him he was in no mood to have anyone around at the moment what makes it worst is one of lucky Ace's Crew member was about to step off the line

Ace stopped by to talk and give dale his money while they were talking this guy tried to hit on lucille she was bringing them a few cold beers and he stopped her couldn't keep his hands to himself she tried to make him stop and listen but it was to late dale seen it and went crazy he told lucille to get inside she was to be dealt with later on she looks out the window as dale stooded over the man as he is begging.

Lucky ace.
Dale he didn't know who woman he was messing with let go of him put the box cutter down what are you doing man.

I'm about to show this motherfucker what's happens when a man has bad thoughts about my wife... she is my wife and he is going to know it forever ain't you fucker.

He used the box cutter to have scalpel the poor bastard lucky ace can see the blood on dale hand's and the cold look on his face ace left the money and took the man with him as they left together he chased her all over the house trying to get his hands on her lucille locked herself in the upstairs bathroom dale yelled out ( let me goddamn  woman ) she prayed he doesn't get in but the way his anger is lucille tried to run down stairs and out of the house for a few hours until he has calmed down she is at the top of the stairs about to step down is when he comes out of one of the bedrooms grabbed her against the wall still has the box cutter the whole time while he has his hands around her neck lucille tried to talk to him.

Dale please i wasn't trying anything with him i was trying to make him stop nothing is going on between us don't even know who he was way would I lie to you please put the box cutter down and let me go.

I don't believe you that is a lie i seen y'all together the way he was touching your body and you stooded there letting him do you want me to beat you like before to be the bastard i once was huh answer me.

  Well then do it because what hurts mostly is you not believing Calli me a liar i don't let any man touch or feel my body that is my husband Job your job .

He threw the box cutter down and walked down stairs looking at her with that look she doesn't know what he was thinking or why he would do something like he did to that guy or to her but one thought comes to mind jealosey
Jealousy was one thing he was known for as jealous man and tammy and Gaga didn't say anything but seen the wound's lucille had      
                                    From what happened that day she looks down from the upstairs window at him he was working on the truck trying to make it work right angry at what that guy was doing and what his wife told him
         Wasn't watching what he was doing and the truck hood came down and hits him in the head slowly gets up and stand's by the truck after hitting it and having so very ugly words about 
                What just happened she doesn't say anything just came down to make sure he isn't badly hurt or needs to go to the hospital she stopped the bleeding but he needs to go to the hospital instead doesn't go Walks inside the house and drinks a beer and watch a football game lucille wants different from her husband.

It's dangerous to have a head wound i have stopped the bleeding but you need to let me take you to a hospital before something bad happens.

I'll be fine it's not a big deal just a little blood and a big headache nothing will happen a doctor or a doctor bill isn't needed.

She looked at him as dale watched a football game not paying her any mind lucille goes back upstairs to sit and wait until he is ready to say how she was right about needing to go to the  hospital for that head wound and not needing to be so jealous about her .

She waited until They was alone together before bringing it up again in their bedroom he were looking for what to wear next feeling sick with a headache he sat down on the bed as she asked from the bathroom was he all right .

Dale sweet heart what will it take for you to give in and see a doctor I am sure we can come to some understanding if you would just name it what will it take sweet heart .

He Walks in the bathroom and knees down to her who is taking a bubble bath seeing her laying there in the tub with bubble coving her naked body is all but enough to make he give in.

I'm sorry shouldn't have taken it out on you that fucker had it coming for what happened to him i ain't sorry have to work on not being so damn jealous the only time your more beautiful is when your naked and laying in a bathtub with bubble's .

She laughs as he leds in to kiss her and falls in getting bubble's everywhere lucille knew dale couldn't say no to what she had to offer him the only other thing he loves to do with his wife is the weakness she used against him
The doctor looks over what happened and tells lucille that her husband needs to take it easy for a few weeks with a head wound like the one he has if gets hit just right in the head there is a good chance he could die from said head wound   how does one take it easy or slow down when his family needs him for soon eric will show his ugly face once again to try and destroy the beauregard family.            


a father love for his daughter part 2 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ