chapter 1

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He wasn't a normal man no normal man could look like that could have lived after what his body had gone through then again a father who loves his daughter the way dale beauregard did you couldn't say was ever normal anyhow cleveland finds himself in their old house standing in the upstairs hallway can hear heavy boot's walking trying to get out but there is no door hears the hook as it cuts through the wall paper and as he beats on the walls screaming for help those heavy boot's stop and there is a feeling cold as ice runs up his back of don't turn around standing there in a long black coat dale puts him up he screams when the hook is coming down cleveland awakes from another nightmare he doesn't believe the story of why the beauregard family really moved away it wasn't because they needed to to start a new chapter in their lives because they are hiding the truth of really what happened on that storm fill night of when she lost her husband he couldn't let this go and move on like everyone else has he couldn't move past what happened although he was not longer a cop he still act as one the only family member left alive in georgia was Mrs beauregard who this morning is having tea at her home she knows who voice that is when he said good morning Wendy she already knew why he is at her home what this is about and has been about.

Mrs beauregard
I know you would not let this go your not longer a police officer but are the man who had a part to play in my son death i have to go to the cemetery to see him thanks to you now both of my children are no longer on this earth .

He sat down across the table from her hat is taken off as he has some tea also he brings a piece of paper that she reads.

I am going to get a state judge name on that so I can have them open that box and when there is no body in there everyone will know what your trying to cover up i may not be the sheriff anymore but you are protesting a murderer who can't run forever.

Mrs beauregard.
Good luck with getting any judge name on that when you tell them why you want it I'm not trying to cover up anything and I'm only protecting my family name from being destroyed by the likes of you.

Right after that talk They had then she called lucille to tell her what is going on in georgia and what cleveland is up to after hanging up the phone she Walks down to the basement where he is at he doesn't like mirror's due to the way his face looks will break any mirror for each time he looks into one doesn't see the man he once was looking back only a ugly monster so no mirror's are put up  in the house anywhere ( i think the scar's are sexy show what you have went through don't see why we must cover them with make up , because I look like a monster can't go out without people looking at the monster or taken pictures i know this can't be easy but i will find away to give you the life you have always dreamed of ) gaga and tammy can't believe it when they seen him a few hours later he looks different you can't see the scar's or nothing due to the make up that was used They was a family who gone through hell each member of their family had a story and for that they had a relationship that couldn't be broken but if along life secret would to come out then that relationship would be tested was it strong enough to hold the family together or destroy them forever for now everything was fine nothing wrong  with each married couple there are those who stayed at home to do the work around the house and take care of the kids and the others who go out in this cruel world and bring home the money lucille and tammy stayed at home taken care of the baby dale and gaga gone out and make a dollar the best way they know how.

I never done anything like this being a part of having a life of crime.
why is it calling taken ain't it just a fancy word for stealing ain't this job is about stealing someone else things isn't that what we are doing here?

Stealing is such a ugly word that is why i say taken without permission I'm no thieve never taken anything with out a reason I'm tired of seeing my family being poor tried to do it the right way but working on motels there is no real money In it so go into business with lucky Ace who knows people so stealing and taken is two different things.

For a girl who never was apart of a crime she knew what she was doing nobody ever gotten hurt or dead they went in gotten whatever they knew that could bring top dollar or worth something they was not strangers who didn't trust each other or waiting to turn on each other no They was family who would never dream of turning on each other that is made them a good team each night after getting the money They never told lucille or tammy they didn't want them to live a life of crime but when you love someone and been with that person for along time you will know already what he or she has been up to dale would sometimes have beautiful dress's and jewelry for her to wear but she knows where it was all coming from would worried about what if he is caught in one of those crimes then again he is a smooth talking man after all that smooth talking is how he gotten her to marry him and yet she worry's still about if this is the right way to live.

You don't have to say it because I have heard it already i can't go out and get a normal job not when i look like something out of a ( stephen king) book people see me coming and They Lock their doors or run for the hills this is all i can do you know i would do or take another line of work if i could.

Promise me no matter what your never let what happened happen ever again i still remember as if it was yesterday i am afraid it might come out some day and I'll lose either you or her or both of you and i don't want to lose anyone.

I promise it won't ever happen ever again you have nothing to be afraid of won't lose either me or her or both of us put that memory out of your head because that won't happen she's never know.

As she hugged him closely he started to have that same memory as she did a memory of a time where they knew heart break of saying goodbye with their lives being in peices until that night which had changed everything for the better but don't know if tammy would understand so it must stay a secret forever.

a father love for his daughter part 2 Where stories live. Discover now