Slave for his pleasure Part - 13

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Free : Are you ready Y/n ?

Y/n : Not yet...I still have to fix my clothes.

Free : Let me help you.

You was about to get your shirt to put that on luggage when Free accidentally touch your hand.

Y/n : Well! I can fix it myself.

Free can't look directly into your eyes.

Free : Okay! Then...

He said while blushing a little.

Y/n : Are you okay Free ?

You touch his forehead.

Y/n : Your face is red.

You said and he chuckled a bit.

Free : I am alright Y/n.

He said and you remove your hand from his forehead when your parents entered in the room.

Y/m : Be careful in your way to airport.

Y/n : Okay mom...we'll.

You and Free is going to leave this country as soon as possible because you know that Shu is not a type of person who will give up like this.

Y/f : Protect my daughter...young man.

Free : I'll sir, Y/n...let's go now.

You hugged your parents the last time then left.

Free : So, what's your plan when you arrived another country ?

He said while focusing on driving.

Y/n : I don't know but for sure I'll do my best to support my baby and be the best Mother that my baby will ever have...I'll love my baby with all of my heart.

Free mind : I hope you'll let me love you too.

After 20 minutes, you both reached the airport and a police car stopped in front of you both.

Police man : Are you Free de la Hoya ?

The police man said and got out of his car and went towards him.

Free : Yes may I help you ?

Police man : You're under arrest for kidnapping.

Free : Kidnapped who ?

Police man was about to handcuffs Free but...

Y/n : Wait...who did he kidnapped ?

Police man : Miss...we are just doing our job.

Y/n : You don't even have a arrest can you arrest him ?

Police man : It was reported that he kidnapped Mrs.Kurenai.

You were too shocked to hearing that and the police officers didn't listen to you nor him and they escort Free to their car.

Y/n : Free!!! No...please stop!!!

Shu : What a lovely scene.

You flinched by hearing his voice out of sudden and you slowly turned around and gulped hard.

Shu : My wifey~

He smirked evily and tears started to form in your eyes.


I hope you enjoy it.

Bye...take care of you ❤️

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