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I coat the chicken lightly with breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese and then pop it in the oven. I wash my hands and then go back to my laptop to make sure I made the right recipe. 

After the gym, Ryujin and I split up after a hot and heavy session in the hallway. 

I needed to take a shower and I needed to check some emails I had received today about some items I put on Etsy. 

I hate to part with some of the things I do for money, but if I want to make a living doing this, I have to. 

I like to save things I make or give them as gifts, but that's not practical for running a business.

When I see that I seem to have done everything right, I head to my room to change before Ryujin comes back. 

I swear my body still shakes from what he did to me today. He had touched me before, but that had never happened. 

What was even more shocking was how bold he was with her. I wanted to touch her so badly and desire overcame my insecurity.

It's still hard to believe that my sweet teddy bear is the same woman I saw in the ring practicing today. 

What's even crazier is that I wasn't logged out for any of it. I didn't see anger in her as my aunt talked about my dad. How easily he would lose his temper. Ryujin is none of that.

I take off the braid and let it fall. Then I change into a t-shirt. It's got some paint stains, but we're staying the night. 

I refresh my lip gloss and mascara and look at myself in the mirror. I reach behind my back, unhook my bra and take it off. 

I turn to the side in the mirror and wonder if Ryujin will notice that I have nothing under my thin shirt.

Satisfied, I go back to the kitchen and have a soda, then go on my laptop until Ryujin shows up. 

She said he was going to take a shower and call her agent before he came over. But that was three hours ago. 

My mind goes back to being in the closet with her and her hand between my legs. I close my eyes as my hand slips into my jean shorts. 

I moan her name as I find my clit, wishing she was the one doing this to me. I caress myself and spread my legs wider, trying to pretend it's her hand. 

I get wetter, but I can't get there as I did with her. I try harder, getting a little closer to my release, but then my phone rings. 

I grab it thinking maybe it's Ryujin but then I remember she never asked for my number. I see it's the doorman texting me about someone here to pick up an order. I jump, texting him and telling him to send them.

I forgot that my client was coming to pick up the order because they live so close. Now I won't have to worry about shipping the blanket I made. 

I don't know why I felt like making a baby blanket, but I spent a lot of time on it. I researched for days on the perfect pattern and then spent a few weekends making it. 

I put it up for sale last night and was amazed at all the messages I had received so quickly.

I pull the soft pink blanket against my cheek, knowing I'm going to miss this one more than most things I've done. 

With a sigh, I walk to my front door and hope whatever the baby drinks will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.
I smile brightly as I open the door, but then my smile falters when I see a man standing there. 

She is in a suit and her dark hair is slicked back. She's tall and skinny, and even though she's not as big as Ryujin, she gives me an uncomfortable feeling.

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