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Ryujin closes the door behind me, and I look up at her. I have to crane my neck back when she's so close, but the view is incredible.

My breath hitches as she leans in, the heat of her body brushing against mine. I froze, thinking she was going to kiss me, and instinctively pulled my lips away.

Desire and panic swirl as she approaches, but when I hear the click of the lock behind me, I realize she was just looking for the door.

But she doesn't back down right away. Instead, she holds my gaze and I see chocolate in her dark eyes.

"I made cupcakes," I blurted out. I do not know what else to say. She proximity makes me dizzy, and I can't get my brain to work properly.

She reaches out, trailing her finger along my jaw.

"I can see that." I see the pink icing on the tip of her finger, and I hope she finds my lack of cleanliness adorable instead of rude.

"I could have made a mess, too," I admit.

My kitchen looks like frost burst everywhere. I forgot to turn off the beaters when I took them out of the bowl.

By the time I managed to locate the switch, everything in its path was covered. I watch as she brings her finger to her mouth and licks off the sweetness.

A tingle runs through my belly and down between my legs as I think of what it would be like to kiss her.

"That's your sugar limit for the day," I heard someone yell from behind Ryujin.

I can't see, but Ryujin blocks out everything around her. It doesn't escape me that it's all I see, because it's nothing new.

For the last few weeks, she's been the only thing in my vision. We always run into each other, and we both say hello awkwardly since neither of us talks much.

I swear every time I open my door she's standing there. It doesn't help that when I go to bed at night and close my eyes it's also headlining my dreams. I keep telling myself I'm not attracted to her, but it doesn't work.

My thoughts turn into fantasies I've never had before, and they all show me obsessing down the hall.

"Shut up, Lia," she says, turning around. Then I realize that she is still holding my hand as she leads me to her apartment.

"Hi, Lia," I tell her, introducing myself.

"Hey, kitty." Lia winks at me.

"Don't call her that." I can feel irritation mixed with anger coming off her and I try to pull my hand out of hers. Reluctantly she lets go and I take a step away from her.

I'd be a liar if I said I didn't Google her after Yuna told me who she was. My curiosity got the best of me.

She is a trained fighter and after watching some of her videos in the ring, it was not surprising to learn that she has never lost a match.

"Ignore her." Ryujin's voice is soft when she talks to me, and it's in complete contrast to how she spoke a few seconds ago.

"Okay, she's barking." Lia stands next to Ryujin. "I like to fuck with her emotions." She wraps a playful arm around Ryujin as she grins from ear to ear.

Ryujin elbows her hard in the ribs and Lia growls. She continues to smile as she drops her arm and returns to the kitchen. I relax a bit when I see how playful she can be. It's a side I didn't imagine Ryujin had.

Virgin in the CityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin