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I open the front door and grab Yuna's arm. I take her to my apartment and slam the door behind her. I had to call her up here upstairs, and I'm relieved I didn't screw it up. I texted her to come here ASAP because I desperately need her help. I don't know what to wear tonight, and I'm going crazy.

"Do you have them?" I ask her. She lets out a husky laugh, holding up a pair of heels in each hand.

"I got them." She lets them dangle by the straps and wags her eyebrows.

"I'm going to hurt myself." I look at the heels, sure I'll never take two steps in them.

I want to wear them so badly because she always looks sexy in them, and I want tonight to be perfect. I need to look like a woman, not a girl. I want to blow up Ryujin's socks.

"They should work." Drop a couple on my couch along with a bag.

"They have a thick heel, so it won't be too bad." I take them from her and inspect them.

They are simple black heels, functional but super cute. The strap at the top makes them look like adult shoes.

"I know you want me to pick you up, but I don't think we should go crazy. I think she likes you just like you. However, I'm going to give you a little makeup." She says it with a wicked smile, and we go back to my room where he works with me.

It doesn't take long for her to work her magic, and when she's done, I walk over to the long mirror I've hung in the back of my closet. I stand there for a moment before turning around, taking it all in. 

I have a cream-colored dress that reaches mid-thigh. It's shorter than I'm used to, but I love it. It has a nice pink belt, and the cut makes me look curvy. 

The short sleeves give it a classy and conservative look, which makes me feel like a woman. Heels add a nice height, so maybe I don't look so small now next to Ryujin. I doubt it, but I can dream.

Yuna left my hair in a braid, saying that she knows Ryujin likes it that way. 

She did what she said and kept my makeup smooth, and even though I don't look like I'm wearing much, my skin is dewy and fresh. 

She even managed to make my eyes and lips look bigger.

"I feel so pretty," I admit as I do another little spin.

"I know you might think it's cute, it is, but Ryujin will find it sexy as fuck." She winks at me.

"I'm going to have a date." Saying it out loud makes it seem real. "But I don't date wrestlers."

"Looks like you do now." She smiles at me and cocks her head to the side. "Out of curiosity though, who did you go out with before?" I turned to look at Yuna.

"Well, I've never dated anyone," I admit.

I was suspicious of the fighters because of the way my aunt talked about my father and his anger, but Ryujin doesn't seem angry. 

Not once did she make me feel anything less than comfortable and safe. I understood her joke and Lia. She's sweet and loving and almost as exhausted as I am from our flirtation.

"I'm going to be terrible at this. I know what kind of women they go out with, and I don't." I walk over and flop down on my small bed, a bed I know Ryujin would never fit into.

I can't believe I had that thought, but it's indicative of where my mind has been lately. Yuna rolls her eyes and sits next to me.

"Do not think that way. I tell you the girl wants to hit her seven days a week and two on Sunday."

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