Chapter 15: Reunions

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"An unhappy coincidence, I assure you, Bekah. I had some business in the city. And besides, I don't see 'the rest of us', apart from Klaus. What happened? Did he dagger all of them again after Kol refused to wash his underwear?"

"I alone know to listen to Nik, I imagine."

"More like you are afraid he will dagger you. I for one made myself immune to his little party tricks." Her eyes betrayed her surprise and probably jealousy. It wasn't easy, mind you. It took a surprising amount of magic but my witches successfully made me a magical bracelet, which made me immune to the daggers. Still, I refused to indulge her curiosity and instead went back on the offensive. "And you will forever remain in his shadow. A pity, as always."

Her façade was starting to collapse and I was curious to see how the nine hundred years old brat would react. Instead, one of the Vampire Diaries main characters decided to make his debut.

"Is this man bothering you?" Stefan said, the bloodthirsty gentleman as always. "Perhaps I should teach him some manners."

"Have some respect, boy." Ioannis grumbled. "You are speaking to Lord Cyrus, not one of those wenches you drain for sport."

"Enough, Ioannis. There is no need for this to get violent." I shushed him in order to avoid a scuffle. "Besides, this child obviously can't recognize his betters. My name is Cyrus Mikaelson, brother of Rebekah, Klaus and few other members of our illustrious clan. And you are?"

"Stefan Salvatore." He simply replied, although more restrained now as he knew I was a vampire of Klaus' level.

"Ah, the infamous Ripper of Monterey. Well, I hope you enjoy yourselves in this fine establishment."

And as I said this, fate decided to show her disfavor to my siblings as the police broke in and started shooting on sight. With wooden bullets by the looks of it.

So this is the day, huh. Good. I was tired of waiting.

Rebekah and Stefan started running to Klaus, with whom I shared a look of animosity, right before he fled the scene. I stood in front of Ioannis as the bullets shot through the air. He was a useful man, no need to get him killed.

"I believe fate has determined that it is time for you to leave, old friend. You may leave now and return back to Constantinople. Do hurry though, as my father has no love for vampires and the unliving occupants of this city are likely to decrease substantially by the time he has left."

Realizing the threat my father posed, Ioannis fled through the back entrance, while I carved a bloody path through the cops, which were no doubt compelled by my father to strike at this place. No sense for subtlety that man. Although to his credit, it did not take long for the old man himself to show up. Amid the corpses, I for one was acting like a boss and drinking my scotch from the bar.

"You are not the one I expected to see here, son."

"Ah, father. It has been....what? Four hundred years, I think. It appears you are trying to redecorate Gloria's this fine day. I have to admit that you took a rather Original approach to that endeavor."

"I am glad to see you have escaped the bastard's machinations. Do you know where he is?"

"Oh, he was here, until some minutes ago when he fled. I've no idea where he and Rebekah have fled to next."

"Surely after all he has done, you have seen the wisdom in joining me in eradicating that vile vermin, who has done nothing but destroy whereas you built. I have observed your work in the Old World and it is as always impressive."

"No need to flatter me father. I will get back at my brother some other way. I have no need for assistance." I went for my glass again. "Besides, we both know he will be out of the city soon, if you don't hurry."

Katherine POV:

Katherine has been on the run since before she became a vampire. Ever since her father exiled her from Bulgaria. And after she fled England. England was a brief respite from that - the place where she found love and acceptance. Where she found a man she fell in love with Cyrus.

She hadn't been able to forget him. Not during the brief time she forced herself to think of him as merely a tool for her survival, which he wasn't. Not during her brief romance with the Salvatores, who were nothing short of a rebound.

No. She definitely had fallen for him.

And that is why her heart stopped when she spied him sitting at the bar, talking to a man, she just learned was his father. If not for her instincts regarding the other man, she would have rushed to embrace him, her mind already free from thoughts of Stefan Salvatore, who had just left Gloria's, after having been questioned by the mystery man. The latter left after Cyrus refused his offer of an alliance.

For the first in a really long time, Katherine was at a loss of words. She wanted to find the right words to express her feelings, the truth which she had buried for centuries. The love she had tried to forget about upon learning that Klaus had daggered him and, even if understanding that it was not death, thinking she would never meet him again.

And now, upon meeting him, she was wordless. At least until she lost sight of him and began turning her head to find him.

"Здравей, любов моя." (Greetings, my love.) She heard from behind her a voice, she had longed for for hundreds of years. "Липсвах ли ти?" (Did you miss me?)

As she turned around to respond to him, he grabbed her and smashed his lips against hers. His hands enveloped her in a warm embrace and for the first time in four hundred years she felt happy and safe.

"How about we catch up?"

They dashed at vampire speed towards the place, in which she thought he was currently staying at, and had sex for 3 glorious days until they had a coherent conversation again.

I, the OriginalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin