Chapter 34: Carter

Start from the beginning

"Congratulations," Dimitri sings. "That was a surprise."

"Two fucking trophies at JW Debate? That's crazy!" Felix says, reading the backs of the metals around my neck.

"How is that even possible?" Gracie asks.

"No clue," I breathe out a laugh.

From the stage, Dr. Snyder announces that everyone should pick up their chairs and stack them at the back of the room to begin the after party. Felix and Gracie scramble to stack our entire row.

"Go help them," I tell Dimitri and Landon, keeping my eyes on Sadie.

I think she tells her friends the same thing because they trudge after them, yelling at Felix that his stack of chairs is going to topple over.

Sadie takes a few steps towards me. I can't read her expression. Is she mad at me? Jealous? She's been someone that's not easy to read, and I've always found that enticing about her, but now all I want is to know what she's thinking.

"Do you hate me?" I ask her, partially joking.

"A little," she says.

"I didn't know that this award was a thing," I tell her.

"Why are you acting so humble all of a sudden, Conners? If I won, I would be rubbing it in your face," an amused smile appears on her lips, and I drop my shoulders in relief.

"Well, in that case," I say. "Get fucked Sadie Jones because first place is mine and these two gold fucking metals around my neck prove just that."

That makes her actually smile. "That's more like it."

"Are you mad?" I ask, smirking at her.

"I'm really fucking mad." She laughs when she says it.

"Going to take your anger out on me?" I tease.

"Well, you're the reason for my anger. So, yeah, I think I will."

I laugh. "Do you want to dance?" I gesture towards the now chair-less conference hall.

"I'd like that," she says. "But first, put down the fucking plaque."

I don't know how long Sadie and I have been dancing when she slightly pushes at my chest and tells me that she's going to get some cake with Angie and Gracie. Angie and Dimitri have been twirling each other around the conference hall so much, I'm surprised she isn't too dizzy to have cake. Anastasia and Landon refused to dance with each other, so Gracie stepped in as Landon's partner and Felix and Anastasia have been dancing with their arms in the air.

I let go of Sadie's waist–already missing the feeling of having her so close to me–and head over to the beverage table in search of a glass of punch or something to quench my thirst. The first table I spot has small plastic glasses filled with purple liquid. I think it's fruit punch or grape juice, and, at this point, I'll take either. I pick up a glass and bring it to my lips. The liquid is cold and tastes kind of like sickeningly sweet medicine, so I only take small sips. Someone comes up behind me, picks up a glass, and downs the entire contents in one gulp. I turn around to find Anastasia, who's abandoned Felix to dance around an awkward-looking Dimitri and Landon.

"We need to talk," she says, not even bothering to look my way, but I know the words are addressed at me.

"What can I do for you, Anastasia?" I ask her, leaning my shoulder against the wall beside the drink table.

"Why are you always so keen on calling me by my full name? Does 'Ana' not work for you?" She asks me, an annoyed expression on her face.

"Sorry, I didn't know we were on a nickname basis," I say, lightly, sipping on my drink.

"I didn't know we were on a you-trying-to-get-in-my-friend's-pants basis either," she says, sarcastically.

"What do you want, Anastasia?" I ask, crossing my arms. Now it's my turn to sound annoyed.

"I came to give you some advice, Carter" she says. She grabs another drink off of the drink table and downs it like a shot.

"Which is?" I prompt her.

"You do anything to hurt Sadie and I will come for your neck," Anastasia says. Her expression tells me that she's not joking.

"Does your whole friend group just love threatening me?" I ask, remembering when Sadie cornered me against the punch table at the Fairridge dance.

"I'm sure Sadie gets off on it, but, as for the rest of us, no." Her words surprise me. "And that wasn't a threat. It was me looking out for my best friend."

"By threatening me," I say.

"The details aren't important," she snaps, the fierce expression on her face not wavering for one second.

"And why is Sadie your best friend? What about Angie?" I question her.

She rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed with me. "You can have more than one best friend."

"No you can't," I say, all matter of fact.

"Oh really?" She raises an eyebrow. "What about Landon and Dimitri? Then who's your best friend?"

"Dimitri," I say. "Landon's a prick."

That makes her smile.

Speaking of Landon, any awkward standing on the dance floor has evaporated, and he, Dimitri, and Felix are fully hopping around as a group to whatever upbeat song is being blasted through the speakers. I have the urge to take a video of the three of them, but then Sadie comes up between Ana and I, holding a paper plate with three different slices of cake on it. If slices is even a proper word for use for the little rectangular prisms of cake. More like slivers.

"What are you guys taking about?" She asks, looking between the two of us.

"Nothing," Anastasia says, shooting me a look that is basically telling me to keep my mouth shut. "Just having some juice or punch or whatever the fuck this is."

"I brought you cake," Sadie says, passing over the plate in her hands.

"Well aren't you a doll," Anastasia says, batting her eyelashes.

Sadie slaps her on the arm. She turns toward me, as if she's about to say something, but then Felix runs up to us, Landon and Dimitri in tow.

"We're going mini golfing," he says.

"Fuck yeah!" Gracie exclaims from behind them, dragging Angie by her arm.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because it's dark outside and night golfing is fun," Dimitri explains, as if it makes perfect sense.

"Okay..." I say, sceptical.

"Ms. Davenport says that we can stay out until midnight if we promise to wake up in time for our classes," Angie explains. "And then she's going to drive us back. You and Sadie leave tomorrow."

I look at Sadie. "Do you want to go mini golfing?"

She smiles at me. That bright, lip biting smile. "Of course I want to go fucking mini golfing."



Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I wanted to keep the golfing scene in a separate chapter from the rest of the ceremony.

Also, what do we think about Ana and Carter's interaction? There's something about writing any of these characters just talking to each other that's so fun :)

Thank you for reading and I'll be back with Chapter 35 soon!

Happy reading :)

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