Anger and Rejection Pt. 2 (GaiYo)

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Pala's POV


As soon as I wake up I then stretched my back everyone of my bones cracking, their getting stiff, I'm getting old these days soon I'm gonna join heaven and join my relatives and join the rest. I then looked at the clock in my room. 8:26? Huh i soon realized I passed breakfast, i wonder when the other guys are done eating their meals. "I hope they left me some food" they usually wake up 7:30 wait oh yeah that's the schedule of the championship. I guess they might wake up in 8:00 or something. I then dress up and proceeded to the pantry. I took  showers after breakfast, We have our own schedules especially in showers. Liu showers when he wake up, Miyo showers after her morning stretches, Kuga showers at night, Gai showers at midnoon, Popo showers at midnight and Lonky showers 3 times a day. Speaking of showers i wonder what meal for breakfast? Maybe pancakes with berries, waffles with syrup, oh eggs and bacon yum anything is delicious as long as its breakfast. I then saw Gai running the opposite side of the pantry "Oh Hi Gai!!! You in a hurry ?" Gai never said anything he just ran he looks um sad and their tears. I wonder why is he crying. I then entered the pantry "Hey guys what did I miss, hey by the way why is Gai crying, something happen?" Miyo is shocked and everybody looked tense very tense. "Pala you just missed the drama series" "Yeah and it's bad the series called Love or do---" Kuga then choked Lonky, like he usually does. "Why did Gai is sad because the character broke up with his love?" "No, Pala its something between Gai and Miyo." Liu said in a worried face. "Well then why is Miyo numb she looks off as well?" Miyo looks something she regret doing her head down. "Well it happened like this----- It happened 16 minutes ago before you came---------" 

Narrator's Pov

The sun rose and the fellow competitors having a really good night sleep and a really good mood to start the day, except for one person. The fellow competitors greeted each other Good Morning. While they saw a familiar Mong, the competitors greet him, but instead of a cheery and ethusiastic Mong, they only saw a dull and greyish Mong. "Morning Gai" Liu greeted raising his hand for a high five, but, Gai just Looked at him, staring at him cold. "Morning" a dull tone Gai said rejecting the high five. Liu's smile faded into a worried face, his brows narrowed and wrinkled. "Welp someone's in a bad mood." The giraffe said eating his salad breakfast. The rest noticed it, then a familiar feline walked in the pantry, finishing her morning stretches. "Morning guys." The rest greeted except for his admirer or flirter, Miyo soon approach him and touch his shoulder. "Hey Gai what's up?" As soon as Miyo touched his shoulder, Gai glared at her, his eyes reddish, angry. He then harshly removed Miyo's hand to his, he looked tense. Miyo then backed off a bit moving aside her shoulder. The rest looked shock, the air getting humid yet tense. Gai then harshly bumped on Miyo. "The next time you greet do it when you apologize." His eyes are big and his pupils got small. His teeth grinded to every word he said to Miyo, the rest backed off, even Kuga is shocked in Gai's certain behavior. Gai soon leaving the room, Miyo spoke in an angry tone "GAI!!! WHAT IN ULCUS SAKE DID I DID TO YOU!!!! WHAT THE HECK YOU MEAN APOLOGIZE, APOLOGIZE FROM WHAT!?!?!?!?" suddenly a shuriken cam out of his hand and then aim to Miyo but missed. "Oh I'm sorry did I hit you" Gai asked in a sarcastic voice. "Gai what the heck is this, you might hurt someone with it what's got in to you!" Liu said scolding Gai in whatever this is. "Lucky for all of you, especially Liu, at least you guys appreciate on what I'm doing. Except for someone I loved so much that made me look like a dumb rock. Someone who is always pushing me down rejecting me everytime, she never appreciates me whatever thing i did. Someone WHO DOES NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING, ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" He then glared to Miyo. Miyo then spoke up "So YOU are listening to our conversation aren't you, yo don't want to leave me one bit!" "Miyo don't you even know what I've been doing for the past months?" The others backed off wishing to leave the room but Gai blocking the path, they don't want to step in and make things worse. The air getting much more tenser, "I've been risking my life to get your attention yet you don't noticed, the reason i turned into Man X is because of you! if only i won the competition in the Pyramid Race, my tribe would've got the materion!!! Now my tribe is struggling for rescources and not a single tribe would help!" 

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