Chapter Twenty Eight

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Allison's POV

I really didn't want to take Stiles down, but I also really didn't want to see what would happen if we decided to let him go free reign. This could be something that could destroy the entire city, maybe the entire state.

The power rangers were falling apart under Master Gaylor's leadership, if you could even call us the power rangers anymore, and no matter how much Erica and I were trying to preserve it, the facts weren't going to change.

We had chosen the wrong side, and now we were completely clueless on what to do next because we have no one telling us to do anything.

That sounds pathetic, don't worry, I already know that, but no matter how pathetic it sounds, it's still true. As much as both of us want to be the leader type, we're more of followers.

First with Scott, and now with Gaylor. We had fallen prey to two narcissists who are nothing more than control freaks.

Now, I can almost 100 percent guarantee that he's going to have us go after the three of them because they chose the side opposite us.

"Rangers. As much as it saddens me to admit it, the team has been mostly abandoned. The two of you are all that remain, and I trust that you are still here because you believe that what we're doing is right."

There is no doubt that I don't believe what we're doing is right (well not all of it), I just don't think I could live with the consequences of what could happen if we don't stay. The only part of his opinion that actually is right is when he sends us to beat the monsters wrecking havock on the city.

Even if Stiles is one of my best friends, if it comes down to saving him, or saving this city, I have to choose the city, no matter how much it pains me to do so.

It's one of those impossible decisions that you have to end up making.

I hate myself for making it, but I know that if Stiles was in my position, he would be doing the exact same thing right now.

Who am I even kidding!

No he wouldn't. He would be out there with the others fighting for the side he believed in, and standing up against what he didn't.

He's not a coward.

Or maybe he is, but even if it's his friend he'd know what choice had to be made even if it ended up being the hard one.

"You're aware that I can read your mind, aren't you Mrs. Argent?"

I looked up shocked to see him angrily staring at me.

"You're plotting against us aren't you?!" He yelled as he stepped threateningly towards me.

I help my hands up in surrender and the scared expression on my face said all it needed to say.

"W-what? Of course not!"

"Then why do I hear you think of what Stiles would do if he was in your position? He is a traitor. Nothing more."

Okay, was he so stuck on himself that he was refusing to even see the littlest bit of reason from another side of an argument? How arrogant could one person actually be?

"And maybe he's right." I said it quietly, as if no one would hear me if I did, but of course, he did hear me, and Erica heard me, and anyone who wanted to hear me heard me.

He was practically fuming with anger at what I had said. Erica wasn't making any move to back me up, and instead stayed back behind Master Gaylor as if he was some sort of shield to protect her from my burning glare in her direction. 

"I chose the wrong group of teenagers to do this. I understand that now. I will not make that mistake again." He said as he slowly started to walk away from me.

"What? Surprised that you actually managed to get a group of teenagers who know how to think for themselves? And won't blindly follow a psychopathic murderous narcissist with an obvious cape complex?"

This caused him to stop dead in his tracks, and slowly turn towards me.

"You mind your place Mrs. Argent. You forget who is heading this operation and who you answer to. You do not stand up to me and make false accusations. Is that clear?"

That's when it happened.

I don't know what drove me to do that, or how my brain didn't catch up with what my hand was going to do, but I did it.

I slapped him across the face.

"And you forget that sexism is so ten years ago."

He didn't even react, but the red handprint on the side of his face was definitely going to bruise, and I knew that I had done it.

Erica was standing behind him in complete shock. Jaw dropped and everything.

"There was a time when I thought having someone in charge was a good thing, but they just got power hungry. I'm never going to make that mistake again."

Erica and I nodded to each other from each side of Gaylor and hit the buttons on our watches to teleport us back to the penthouse.


"I can't believe you slapped him!" Erica exclaimed as we landed back in our living room.

To be honest, I didn't completely believe it either, and it wasn't like I wasn't the kind of person to slap someone, I just thought that I was smart enough to know when I was in a situation where I shouldn't slap the person I'm facing.

"Do you think he's going to come after us?" She shook her head and I let out a sigh of relief.

Last thing I needed right now was to have to see that mind reading idiot again.

"Well should we text the guys? Figure out what our next move is?"

She nodded and we both moved to grab our phones, but as if on cue the elevator doors slid open.

"So I'm guessing we're all on the same page now?"

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