Bonus :: family's life

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It has been now two years we have got graduated, Heeseung and I have moved in together. Since Heeseung did his proposal to me two months ago, he cannot stop talking about the wedding. I talked with him and we decided to invite Sunghoon at the wedding. We are going to get marry in 15 days.

Heeseung went out with his parents to talk about the wedding so I decided to get ready to go out as well. But I'm not going with them, I will visit an orphanage! I always think about the conversation my boyfriend and my dad had about when have babies. So, I decided to get married and have kids at the same times. 

I just arrived and opened the door.
- Hi M's.
- Hello, do you have an appointment?
- Oh, no.. do I need an appointment? I said shyly, feeling bad for disturbing.
She smiled.
- No it's okay. Please, follow me.
I nodded and we walk through the building and the closer we got, the more I heard children laughing and shouting. I shivered thinking about a conversation I had with Heeseung. 


Heeseung and I were still on bed, naked. I opened my eyes and saw my boyfriend looking at me while caressing my body. I smiled and hugged him.
- Jake?
- Uhm? I looked up at his face, opening slowly my eyes.
- How many kids do you want?
I was surprised.
- All of sudden?
He nodded and asked me again the same thing.
- I don't know, I'd say one or two kids. You?
- I don't know. If I'm with you all is okay to me, he said smiling. He kissed my forehead.
I just let my head dropping on his chest and smiled.


We entered in a large room and saw a lot of kids. I smiled and greeted everyone.
- Hii!! How are you all?
- Fine! The kids responded all in one heart.
They smiled and went back to their occupations. They were all in groups, smiling and enjoying together. Then I saw this little boy alone. He didn't look to be lonely, he was coloring with a big smile. I then approached the lady.
- Who is this little boy? Why is he alone? I asked to her.
She smiled
- When people come here, they usually go to see all the kids groups, you're the only one who noticed him, she started, looking at him. He is a 4-year-old Korean little boy. When he came here he could only speak Korean but a men came here everyday and taught him English. Since he was still an adolescent, he promised him to come back later and adopt him.
I smiled, listening to this story. That made me think Heeseung can speak Korean! Maybe he will feel comfortable if he could speak Korean with someone.
- What is his name? I asked, smiling
- His Korean name is Jun but we call him Sam. He really like this name.
- I would like to adopt him.
She looked at me with surprised eyes.
- Um, I think first you should try to talk to him.
I nodded and approached him.
I sat down next to him and looked at his drawing. My attention was caught by a picture.
- Can I take it, Jun? I asked him, pointing at the pic.
He smiled and nodded. I grabbed the picture. On the picture there was Jun and an other boy in front of the orphanage. This guy look like...Heeseung..?
- When was taken this pic? I asked to Jun.
He smiled and responded : "Last year"
I gave him back the picture and thanked him.
- Do you want to come to my house?
Jun dropped his pen and look at me with a big smile.
- For real?
I nodded, smiling. He looked at the lady, she nodded as me and he started jumping. Then he hugged me. I think Heeseung will be happy to live with a little boy like Jun.

After playing with Jun for an hour, the lady and I left the room.
- He seems to like you a lot. She smiled. We will start the procedure today. Jun and I will come to your house tomorrow, is it okay?
Tomorrow Heeseung have to go work so nobody will be there. I nodded
- Yes of course! I smiled


Heeseung got up of his seat.
- Thanks for the meal, I really enjoyed it.
I smiled and pecked his lips. He giggled
- Today is there something special? You seem to be in a good mood.
I hugged him.
- No, it's just because I love you
- Ahh,, really?
I nodded, waddling into his arms.
"I love you too", he said.
I giggled, he picks up his bag and goes to the door.
"I think I will be back in the afternoon" he told me.
I came closer and whispered in a sweet way "okay" in his ear. He smiled I grabbed my waist before kissing me. I smiled.

ENG [HEEJAKE] Please, don't love him.Where stories live. Discover now