"Ah y-yeah, why n-not?" Jin stuttered after giving a nervous chuckle. 

"I always pitied you for not having a sibling but right now, I'm glad about that." Jungkook beamed giving those doe eyes for him. Then he jumped away to check his new room out.

Jin had planned the design for Jungkook's bedroom more than any other rooms in the house. He had added a large study desk and a lamp for it. Then the light pink curtains which covered the white window frame, the soft new quilts, pillows and bedsheets were also bought by Jin. He did all those things two days before and was careful enough to choose the colors the younger would prefer. 

He also made sure to give him the brightest room out of the two, because the window of his one was blocked a little by the shadow of a tree outside. 

They spend two more hours exploring the other parts of the house including the kitchen, dining room, bathroom and pantry. Then the two finally stepped out into the backyard to check out the garden. It has been well maintained for years so the only thing they had to do was taking care of the paths. 

"Whoa!!!" Jungkook's jaw dropped open as his eyes laid on the structure in front of his eyes. "We have a gazebo too?"

Jin nodded and smiled at him with fondness

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Jin nodded and smiled at him with fondness. Jungkook hold his hand and ran inside it, giggling cutely.

"Oh this is so cool!!" he shouted looking at the roof of it. "I always dreamt of having a gazebo in our backyard. But hyung said it's too dramatic."

Jin hummed as he sat on the wooden bench. "This is a good place to spend the tea time." 

"So why don't we have it today hyungie?" Jungkook squeaked in excitement. "I'm starting to love this place."

"Maybe tomorrow sweetie 'cause hyungie has some stuff to arrange. They said they're bringing in the home theater system and television today but still haven't. I need to stay in the living room until they arrive. And the satellite dish's gonna be fixed tomorrow so you could watch Tv while I'm at work."

"Hyungie must've paid a lot for these right?" Jungkook asked with a worry laced tone and sat beside Jin. 

"Not a lot, you don't have to worry sweetie."

"B-But, you know," Jungkook started to a long story. "You could've just ignored all these things right?"

Jin sighed as he got off the chair. Then he knelt down in front of the younger and took his hands into his, while the other stared at him in confuse.

"Kookie sweetheart, I know you're worried about me but please..." he went on, looking into those big doe eyes. "Can you promise hyungie that you won't ever ask that question again? I'm not really comfortable with it, I'm sorry."

"H-hyungie I didn't mean t-to..."

"It's okay." Jin caressed the back of his hand by thumb. "It must still be confusing for you to see that I ditched your brother to take care of you. I don't know how to explain it and don't even want to. I would like if you just...let it go."

Jungkook looked deep into those dark brown eyes and pouted. "Hyungie I'm sorry but can I ask you one question? Only this one, I promise."

"That depends on what you're gonna ask sweetie but I'll try my best to answer it."

"You are planning to give up on me later, right hyungie?" Jin could swear that his heart stopped beating for a second as he saw the tears in the younger's eyes. 

"Because it would be okay. I-I'm a tainted person now. If I stay with you for longer, people would notice and start to make rumors about you. Then you'll loose the chance to get married to a proper person. I-I'm still so guilty for snatching you away from my h-hyung but.. I won't let that happen again. So please..please just let me live here until I give birth for the baby. Then I'll leave, I promise. I can find a job somewhere and...."

Jungkook was suddenly cut off by the hand which landed on his bickering mouth. Tears ran down his cheeks as he stared at the owner of the hand with wide glassy eyes.

"Not another single word" Jin said shaking his head. "You're not leaving. I'm not letting you go, not even if you want."

"B-But.." Jungkook wanted to speak but Jin cut him short.

"I told you once sweetie, you don't have to worry about me. And you're not a tainted person, you're the sweetest boy I've ever met in my life. Not only your appearance but also your heart is beautiful. So if I couldn't get married to a proper human at the end, I'll consider about taking the hand of an angel."

"A-Angel?" Jungkook stuttered as Jin removed the hand from his mouth. He was a little dazzled by the word.

"Angel" Jin repeated, flashing him a smile full of love. 

DIng Dong!!!!

"Oh the TV guys are here!" Jin quickly get off from the floor and ran inside the house after giving him a short warning not to show himself in front of them.

"Angel?" Jungkook muttered to himself as he touched his blushing cheeks with fingertips.

He felt like different emotions blooming a little inside his chest but shrugged it off soon as he heard the thuds inside the house and distant chattering.

He sighed and made himself more comfortable on the chair. He led his mind wonder to the past memories as Jeon Jungkook

He remembered his brother. Even though he hated him, Jungook still couldn't make up his mind to loathe the other. He doesn't like having hatred towards anyone, not even the person who ruined his life by getting him pregnant at young age. 

Jungkook sighed to himself as he recalled the moments with his love, Taehyung. He was so happy that time. Being with him couldn't be compared to anything else in the world. 

He still wasn't in terms to accept what happened between them. All of these felt like a nightmare though the affect was minimal now, because of Jin's presence by his side.

Unintentionally, Jungkook's hand roamed around his belly as he stared up at the bright yellow Sunday sky. 

"Baby, try not to give your papa a hard time, okay?" he whispered. "So I can be less burden to your uncle. Yes, Jinnie hyungie is your uncle. You can call him uncle Jinnie when you arrive here."

Jungkook stopped talking for a minute as if he was waiting for a reply and continued.

"Uncle Jinnie's the best you know. Even though your Appa left you, uncle didn't. H-He...he....l-left all the things b-behind just to t-take care of m-me and y-you baby.. W-We owe uncle Jinnie a l-lot baby..A lot.."

Jungkook sniffed as he wiped away the new set of tears from the back of his hand.

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