Chapter 1- The Thunder Boomer...

Start from the beginning

I pick up his soda and take a sip. "Hey hands off my soda." He gives me a playful smile and my knees buckle a bit.

"What, I'm thirsty, I had to jog here. But man if I had wings I'd been here in two second flat."

"Sure you would've, Rose." I roll my eyes and pick up today's newspaper. The headline was about the particle accelerator.

"What's so important about this particle accelerator anyways?" I ask.

"Harrison Wells' work on Quantum Theory is light-years ahead of anything they're doing at Cern." I can't help but smile at Barry's liveliness when he talks about science.

"Um Barry, you're doing that thing where you're not speaking English."

"Okay..." He picks up a marker from his desk and draws a dot on his clear board.

"Just imagine that that dot is everything the human race has ever learned until this moment."

"Does that include the Kylie Jenner lip challenge? Because that was a major miss on the human race part."

He draws a big circle around the dot then.

"That is everything we could learn from the particle accelerator. It's a whole new way of looking at physics. It will literally change the way we think about everything."

I pat his shoulder. "You seriously need to get out more."

"Hey leave him alone, he's working." My dad says as he enters the room. A beeping noise had came from Barry's computer and I look over at it.

"Looks like your testing jumbo is ready."

After Barry checks it over he nods and looks at my dad.

He sits beside me as Barry explains how the Mardon brothers are hiding on a farm, which explains the cow manure, ew, on their get away car.

"Dad, seeing how Barry solved your deep doodoo problem, how about letting him go to S.T.A.R.. Labs?" I say with an angelic grin.

He looks at me then at Barry.

"Fine, Go." I kiss his cheek and Barry then grabs me in a hug.

Oh crap he smells good. "Thank you Joe." Barry lets me go and we head out the door.

About an hour or so later we were at S.T.A.R. Labs.

I see plenty of supporters and just as many protesters for the particle accelerator.

"So, Barry, how was your trip? Did you find proof of the impossible it or did you just make my dad mad for no reason?" He laughs as we continue to walk.

"Actually while I was away, I had a chance to think ab-" Someone from behind had bumped me causing me to trip into Barry.

He catches me and my heart races as he sits me up right.

This is now or never Rose..

"You know Barry not to cut you off but I did some thinking while to were away too."

"Really what about?" My palms sweat as I begin to talk.

"About, um, relationships and you know I'm not in one and you're, you're not in one either. And you're like one of my best friends, Barry."

"You're mine too, Rose."

"But what I wanted to say was-"

"I know what you're going to say."

"I'm not sure you do."

"Even though we pretty much grew up in the same house together and we're kind of like brother and sister..."

Chase The Impossible *A Barry Allen/OC Love Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now