S1 ‹I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4›

Start from the beginning

[Connie]: Fight the Titans with another Titan?...

[Mikasa]: Yes, that's right..

[Connie]: If we fail, they'll laugh at us..-Armin looks at him with a bigger smile-

[Armin]: But if we succeed everyone will survive...

[Mikasa]: Let's prepare ourselves..-Mikasa rolls her eyes before running and Armin follows her while Connie stays in her place-

[Connie]: Fine... Fine!..-He moans softly before running after Mikasa and Armin-


Mikasa, Armin and Connie fly, and Mikasa kills the Titans while Connie holds Armin in his arms. Elsewhere, the fighting Titan was fighting a Titan until he pushes it towards the buildings. He beats him furiously.

The Titan than stops and looks over the HQ. Jean and the others try dodging the Titans, but one grab's Jean's leg. He quickly cuts off its finger and zooms away. He lands on the rooftop of a building, along with Marco.

[Marco]: Jean!...-He turns to look at him while Marco smiles- Thank you! Thanks to you, we made it out safely. It's thanks to you. I told you you're cut out for leadership!...

[Jean]:.....-He sends him a quick smile before looking forward- I don't know about that!....

As they escape to the building, Jean jumps and flies past the hand that was about to grab him. He and Marco speed through the Titans, but they catch a soldier. Jean looks back quickly before shaking his head. He lets out a scream as he throws himself through the HQ window, rolling on the ground. He stands up while looking for his companions, who then crash into the windows-

[Jean]: How many made it?... I took advantage of our comrades' deaths. Many died at my command...-he gasps, looking to his left. There were soldiers hugging their knees, hiding from the windows so that the Titans could not see them- Aren't you guys with the supply team?....-He exclaims-

Jean grabbed a soldier by the shirt and hit him hard in the face, making him fall to the ground.

[Marco]: Stop it, Jean!...-He screams, holding him back-

[Jean]: They are the ones who abandoned us! Because of you, more died than was necessary!...

[Girl]: Titans come into the supply area... We couldn't do anything!..-She sobs, making Jean get more angry-

[Jean]: Doing something is your job!..

[Reiner]: Get down!...-He screams when he hears the sound of something being thrown from afar-

Two soldiers react late when the wall opens a hole. There a Titan is revealed as the two soldiers land on the ground roughly. Jean covers his face before looking towards the Titans.

[Jean]: Damn it!.. Too many people are in one place!...-At this, all the soldiers started running in fear and pushed each other, except Jean, who was in the same place with an open mouth- This is normal. This is reality... Was my hope just an impossible dream? I should've known... that this is reality. It should've been a simple enough realization that we could never beat something so huge...

When the dust disappeared, two Titans appeared in the hole. The Titans stare at him, Jean stares back at him without moving, but he gasps when he sees a huge fist collide with the faces of the two Titans. Jean watches as the Titan roars at the other Titans.

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