"And.. everything went black.." Luke said. "Mommy and Daddy weren't there..that's all I remembered.."

Luke burst into tears and started to sob. Luke's cries caught the attention of John, and he walked over there with Oliver.

"What's wrong? What happened?" John asked. "Why is he crying?"

Frostina frowned and took Luke into her arms.

"He remembers.." she said. "And I feel bad.."

Frostina stood up with Luke in her arms.

"Let's take him to his parents." She said. "They're right in the distance, come on."

It's a good thing Luke's parents were nearby. They heard the cries of their son, and immediately came rushing towards Frostina and John.

Frostina, John, and Oliver were walking back home for lunch.

"Poor kid.." John said as he was carrying Oliver. (He was tired.) "He shouldn't have to go through that."

Frostina folded her arms.

"Blame Disaster." She said. "He's the one who controlled a innocent little kid!"

"How did he control him without appearing?" John said. "He can't just teleport into houses...can he..?"

Frostina shook her head. "No, I don't think he teleports." She said. "I don't know how he does it."

When they got home, Frostina made lunch for John and Oliver. (he had to be woken up to eat it.)

When John got done eating, he stood up, and walked towards the front door.

"I'm going to go do something for a bit." John said. "Like uh, work out?"

Frostina nodded, and said goodbye to him. John walked out the door and shut it.

As John was walking, he saw
someone familiar. It was Alexander.

"Ohhh, John!!" Alexander yelled, and ran towards him. "What do you want? My autograph?!"

"Hey, who said I wanted your autograph?" John said to him.

Alexander grinned.

"Oh, because I'm the most awesome, coolest, strongest boy ever!!" He shouted.

John looked around.

"You act like you're famous, but I don't see any people surrounding you asking for your autograph.." he said.

"THEY'RE JUST SHY!!" Alexander shouted out of nowhere, which startled John a bit. "Like you might be.."

Alexander pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled some things on it with a pen. He then shoved the piece of paper to John's chest and grinned widely.

"You're a lucky fan!" Alexander said. "You get my autograph..WITHOUT EVEN ASKING!!" Alexander laughed loudly, and John was beginning to get concerned. (Because this short little boy yells 24/7 and says he has fans but his "fans" or nowhere to be seen. Ever.)

"Well..Alexander..you doing anything?" John asked. "I wanna hang out for a bit."

Alexander gasped, and his eyes widened.


John looked to the side. "Yeah..because I'm your only fan.." he mumbled.

Alexander's eyes sparkled, then he inhaled and cleared his throat.

"Sure, you can hang out with me." He said surprisingly calm.

Alexander walked beside John, grinning every second.

"You know, I only asked to hang out because I was bored. Not beca-"

"You don't gotta lie!!" Alexander loudly interrupted. "I know you want to-"

Another thing interrupted. This time, it wasn't a loud voice. It was the ground that was rumbling and shaking violently.

"What the-" Alexander said as he struggled to stand on his feet. "What's happening?!"

John stood there, struggling a bit too, and looked around.

"I don't know what's happening," John said, starting to sweat. "But I feel like it's nothing good."

And John was correct, because he saw a large purple light flickering in the distance. He walked a bit closer to it to get a better look, and he saw a large orb of purple electricity flickering and sending sparks of it everywhere.

"Oh..no.." John said.

He turned to Alexander.

"I think we need to run."

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