Part Three- Useless

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Here's chapter three! So happy and grateful for all of the reads, interaction, and support everyone <3

I now have an update schedule for this book! Chapters of Before The Fall will come out every monday, with a chapter for Ghosts of You and Equilibrium (my new Arcane One-Shot book) possibly following them throughout the week.


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"Powder, look! I found a good one!"

Powder's little blue head of hair popped up from behind a pile of scrap metal, and she scrambled over the junk around her to reach me. I offered a small copper pipe, and she grinned, eyes bright with excitement. "Yes yes yes! This is exactly what I needed, Vi!"

I smiled and watched her softly as she quickly stuffed the pipe into her bag with the rest of the scrap pieces we'd found for her and climbed carefully through the heaps of tossed trinkets. I had finally been able to take her dumpster diving two days after I'd last seen Caitlyn. Vander didn't want any of us to go too far from the bar after my incident with the man that jumped me, but having us cooped up with him for even just a day was a bit too much.

Last I knew, the boys were out chasing rats and looking for new flashlights with some friends, so Powder and I were left to freely move about on our own. I'd taken her to a secluded junkheap closer to the bridges, one I knew wasn't too easy to find. I was confident we'd be safe while we sorted through everything for pieces Powder wanted for her gadgets.

A gleam deep underneath a stack of rusted metal caught my eye, and I squinted hard against the weak sunlight that shone into my face as I carefully scrambled down to it. There was something shiny down there, and I grinned devilishly as I slowly pushed metal sheets off. Once it was uncovered enough, I lowered myself deeper into the junk, reaching down to wrap my fingers around the object before hoisting myself back up.

(Hiatus) Before the Fall//CaitViWhere stories live. Discover now