ii. The Old & The New

Start from the beginning

IT WAS 5 IN THE MORNING, maeve got up early to see ben before roll call was supposed to take place at 9. thankfully for her, the hargreeves had a similar schedule so she was able to sneak in no problem. she had 3 hours to hang out with him before she had to go back.

yes she could stay there for longer, but it's better to be safe than sorry. ben couldn't be happier to see his favorite person knock on his window.

the flowers announcing her presence weren't needed as he more than quickly opened the window immediately placing a kiss on the 15 year old's lips. she was surprised, still returning the kiss, but still surprised.

the pulled away and let her in before giving her a bouquet of flowers her had set near the window. "happy anniversary! i know it's not much, but i managed to get these undetected." he explained, a huge smile plastered on his face seeing her face light up. yellow tulips blossomed on the top of her head, giving him another indication that she loved it.

"violet primroses, my favorite," she paused her sentence to give him a big hug, almost knocking him over. "happy anniversary, ben."


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THAT WAS WHEN she woke up. her groaned at the sound of her alarm which she turned off and checked the time while she was at it, 7 in the morning.

the routine started just as she managed to get out of bed. brushing her teeth, getting dressed, makeup, and styling her hair.

she made it downstairs and made sure she had her wallet before heading out. "where are you going?" luther asked with a smile as he jogged outside of the hotel. "to get a better breakfast," she replied. "morning jog?" she asked, trying to ask as if it wasn't obvious. "yup! well, see you!"

the girl waved at him back before heading over to a coffee shop she saw when they were walking over to the hotel the day before. she walked in seeing it mostly empty. there were two trucker guys sitting in a table together, two baristas one at the front desk and the other making the drinks, and a student working on something on their computer.

"what can i get you?" the barista asked with a smile on her face. the bell rang announcing the entrance of another person into the shop but she didn't bother to look. "two doughnuts, strawberry frosting with sprinkles, and a hot caramel latte with whipped cream and cinnamon on top." the barista put it all into the machine with a small smile. "anything else?" maeve shook her head while taking out her wallet.

"that will be $13.43, miss." she gave her the money and got her payment back before she left to get the two doughnuts. "i know that's you, ben." she slowly turned around to face him. "how do you know me?"

"well, there's signs about you everywhere. it's not that hard." she shrugged. her response made him frustrated. you could just tell from the way his eyes seem like they feel nothing but hurt and anger.

"you know that's not what i meant." her lips parted as her mind came up with different ways to answer or explain. "it's complicated." that's the only thing she could come up with. she noticed the barista calling her order which she took along with some napkins.

she grabbed one doughnut with a napkin and handed it to him without any words. his brows raised as he hesitantly grabbed it.

"i need a better answer than that. you all seem to know me and act like we we're best friends." the two sat down at a table across from each other.

"klaus was your best friend." she blurted out. his eye brows raised again. "excuse me?"

"yeah, i don't even know why i sat down, but imma leave before you rope me into talking to you, spilling our entire life story, and then getting kidnapped." his face looked shocked. his lips parted, trying to find a way to defend himself.

"and don't lie. i saw the spooky looking crows following me. you can tell the rest of your shitty siblings to leave me alone or i'll more of those birds." she got closer to the window and pointed at the crow watching them. all she had to do was snap her fingers and the bird was exploded by vines that wrapped around the tree, a little chrysanthemum flower bloomed on top of where the (now) dead bird was.

on the inside, these actions hurt maeve. she could never really hurt anything or anyone without feeling a little guilt or her heart shattering into pieces. when they were young, ben would tell her that he would write the names of the people he would kill on missions good or bad in the back pages of his diary as a way to memorialize them.

as a kid, she didn't understand why he was so scared of hurting others, but as an adult she wonders if his biggest fear reached her too. even when she got out of the cafe with coffee in hand and doughnut bag in the other she had the slightest feeling of guilt.

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--- maria speaks !

bro i really googled flowers and the emotions they represented for this chapter SO FOR YALL NOT TO GOOGLE I GOT YOU

yellow tulips - happiness
violet primroses - young love
chrysanthemum - death (comingly used in funerals)

anyways stan maeven because their adorable and it's just the second chapter. also stan natalie and follow her fan account/loml iovedelia 🥰
also what other ships would yall like to see because yes 🤭

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