The Key that Opens The Future

Start from the beginning

Mai: I-i'm sorry, Narukami-san!!! (Mai said as she fluttered around in embarrassment a bit before helping Kouji) Are you alright?

Kouji: Y-yeah....... Thank goodness that I didn't lose any of my teeth.

After settling down, Kouji then began asking Mai some questions. 

Kouji: So, how come you entered my room? 

Mai: I heard something was being noisy when I passed by your room, Narukami-san. That's why I came here to check. But..... Why are you climbing from the ledge?

Kouji: Oh..... That...... I....... Uh...... Well, I don't really need to explain, do I?

Mai then diverted her eyes away from Kouji and entered an uneasy silence.

Kouji: How are the others? 

Mai: Me, Sayaka-chan, Ellen-chan, and Kaoru-chan are still doing Aradama subjugation day by day. We all believe that this would be the right thing to do.......

Kouji: I see....... And...... what about her? 

Mai: As for Kanami-chan....... (Mai said as she began to have a troubled look on her face) She's been training herself in the Dojo each time before and after a mission.......

Kouji: .........

Mai: Hey, Narukami-san....... I heard from Kanami-chan....... that it's because you said she was weak.......

Kouji stayed silent even after that.

Kouji: .......

Mai: We may be weak on our own but at the very least we can still be some of the help to you that's why....... if you would apologize-

Kouji: Ah Ah!! (Kouji said as he suddenly cut Mai off) Stop there! That may be true that what I said back then was harsh to her. But..... I'm not planning to take any of it back.

Mai: Eh?! Kanami-chan is suffering because of you!!!!!! (Mai retorted)

Kouji: I'll admit it, there should be a better way to relay the message to her, but my point still stands. At this rate, we won't be able to defeat Tagitushime. On top of that, my power will not be enough. That's why I'll need all of you to be stronger.

Mai: ...........

Kouji: But you know, I'm not the kind of person who just moves his mouth....... That's why, I'll make sure Kanami- No, all of you can be more of a meat shield!!!!!

Mai: Narukami-san....... (Mai said as she looked at Kouji with a relieved smile)


(Minoseki Academy Dojo)

Kanami: HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

In the Dojo, Kanami is the only one who is swinging her sword, even though all of her friends, including Mai, are telling her that rest is necessary. Kanami just ignored all of it and continued to swing her sword.

Inner Kanami: I have to be stronger...... So much stronger....... Stronger than him!!!!!

With such anger in mind, Kanami continues to train herself beyond what her body could handle. 

Kanami: HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

As Kanami continues to swing her sword, the last person that she expected suddenly bursts into the Dojo with a bang. 

Kouji: COMING IN!!!! 

Of course, this caught Kanami off guard and forced her to stop her swing. 

Kanami: .......

Kouji: ........

Both Kanami and Kouji then began to stare at each other silently for a few seconds before she suddenly began to speak. 

Kanami: What..... do you want here? 

Kouji: .......

Kanami: I'm weak, right? You don't have a business with a weakling, right? (Kanami said as she glared at Kouji) 

Kouji: Yeah, you're right. With the way you are right now, you're nothing but a weakling who won't be able to protect anything. That's why....... (Without any hesitation, Kouji then jumped forward toward Kanami and slashed at her using a wooden sword while Kanami was using her Okatana) 

Kanami: G-GUHHH!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?????!!!! 

Kouji: That's why........ I'll MAKE SURE THAT YOU CAN GROW STRONGER!!!!!!! (Kouji said as he continued to attack Kanami using his wooden sword) HAAAAA!!!! 

Both Kanami and Kouji continued to swing swords at each other, with Kanami getting slashed right at her blind spot every single time she tried to push forward toward him. This occurs each time until Kanami falls down to her knees out of exhaustion. 

Kanami: *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant*........

Kouji: What's wrong? Is that all you got? (Kouji said in a condescending tone) At this rate, forget to defeat Tagitsuhime, you won't be able to defend yourself. 

Kanami: No, not yet......

Kouji: What's that? I couldn't hear you due to all the losses that you're going through. 

Kanami: HAAAAAAA!!!!! 

Kanami then stood up, held her head up high, and continued to rush forward towards Kouji. Kouji then prepares to receive Kanami's strike upfront. But instead of going up front against Kouji just as Kouji would do it, Kanami then performed a fake move and aimed for Kouji's lower abdomen which caught Kouji off guard. Kouji then immediately backed off a few steps and Kanami then used this chance to strike Kouji right in front of him who was still unbalanced which he could barely avoid. 

Inner Kouji: Changing you're fighting style, huh? Not bad....... But it won't be enough to stop me!

Getting impatient, Kouji then also charges forward with a piercing technique by which Kanami responds by bending her sword backward to receive the strike while at the same time, moving forward towards Kouji. But Kouji was aiming for Kanami to do this counter as he immediately let go of the sword and proceeded to use close-quarter combat technique to catch Kanami in an arm lock that would be really hard to get out from.  

Kouji: How's that for creativity? 

Kanami, who is still wouldn't willing to give up this fight then immediately twisted her body around Kouji's and escaped from the arm lock before swiftly going for her sword. Realizing that Kouji was still not prepared to counter her attack this time, Kanami immediately got on top of Kouji and aimed her sword directly at Kouji before proceeding to thrust it directly at Kouji. In that split second, Kouji manages to avoid it by sliding his head by a hairbreadth to the side. 

Kanami/ Kouji: *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* 

Kanami: It's...... *pant* *pant*....... My win.......

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

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Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Madan Senki Ryukendo and Toji no Miko because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to their respective owners.

I only own OCs and the synopsis of the story.

Toji no Miko x Madan Senki Ryukendo: A Sword To ProtectWhere stories live. Discover now