Few days later..

Jihoon walked into the school with the chilly wind blowing against his cheeks.


Jihoon heard a voice that could only belong to one person, it was Junkyu. Junkyu is fine now. He have no more injury. All thanks to Mashiho. He have treated Junkyu very well. He rushed towards Jihoon in a flurry.
"Ya, Kim Junkyu, be careful. You've just recovered." Jihoon frowned. Junkyu inhaled and exhaled fastly. "Do you know what just happened?" Junkyu smiled. "How can I know you idiot. Say it already." Jihoon asked rolling his eyes at the way Junkyu leaned towards him.

"You won't believe it!"

Well now Jihoon is getting impatient, what could it possibly be!?
"C'mon Kim Junkyu, just spit it out."
"Mashi and I are dating now." Junkyu replied with a big smile on his face. "What!?" Jihoon asked totally freaking out. "Yeah dude, he just said yes last night, I'm so happy." Junkyu was jumping a little in excitement. "Hey watch out, don't jump like a monkey. By the way, I'm happy for you too." Jihoon said while patting on Junkyu's shoulder.

As they got inside, they separated to their various classes.

Hyunsuk walked inside his class slowly. The sound of chattering was the first thing he noticed. A certain area of the class was filled with students laughing and discussing. He proceeded to sit down when he saw the love of his life.
His heart gave a loud thud and he suckled in a breath sharply. Everytime he see him, he feel his heart is racing. Jihoon's blank expression replaced with a smirk when he saw Hyunsuk.

"Babe, are you gonna sit down or what?"
Jihoon chuckled and Hyunsuk nodded. This two people are really so in love with each other. They can't even stop being a lovey dovey.

The classes went through as usual. Jihoon teasing Hyunsuk by touching his body making him flinch time to time. All through out classes Hyunsuk could feel Jihoon's stare right into his face. He don't need to look to know that. Goodness knows that Hyunsuk wasn't understanding a thing the teacher was talking about.

The bell rang signifying the end of class. Hyunsuk packed his stuff and left Jihoon in the class. Hyunsuk was hurried to get to the football club. As he rested his head against his locker, taking in deep breath, a hand suddenly slammed just above his head causing Hyunsuk to jerk back with a yelp. "Jihoon!"
"Why did you left me there huh?" Jihoon was sulking.
"Because I'm in a hurry Ji. I've a Practice for the selection in football club. You know that." Hyunsuk hurriedly said. "There's still time." Jihoon replied, then he roamed his eyes over Hyunsuk's body briefly before returning back to his gaze. They're looking at each other's eyes. It seems like time stood between them and counting one, two, three....
Jihoon caresses Hyunsuk's cheeks with his right hand when his left hand is still against the locker. He then moved his thumb on Hyunsuk's lips. Jihoon was leaning forward while looking at his lips. Hyunsuk closed his eyes.
"Hyunsuk?" A voice broke their trance. Hyunsuk pushed Jihoon heavily and ran away to the voice lefting Jihoon alone.
"Why aren't you coming to the football ground? It's been a while. And what were Jihoon doing there with you?" Yedam asked but his attention was on Jihoon's retreating form. "It's nothing. Let's get to the ground." Hyunsuk said. Yedam looked like he was about to argue but nodded unsurely instead. Then they went to the ground.

"Jihoon, come to my office after your class." Mr. Park said from the other side of the phone. "Why dad? Why so sudden?" Jihoon exhaled loudly. "Because I have some important things to discuss with you. I don't want to hear anymore question or excuse, okay?" Mr. Park answered in a serious tone. "Okay dad." Jihoon hung up the phone and bites his lower lip.

The school finally dismissed. Jihoon went early because he have to go to his dad's office. Before that Jihoon texted Hyunsuk that he won't be able to take him home today. So now Hyunsuk have to go home alone. No wait, there was Jaehyuk who walked towards Hyunsuk. Jaehyuk smiles back sweetly when he saw Hyunsuk smiling at him. "Cute Hedgehogie, are you alone today? I saw Flower Prince leaving few minutes ago. So I thought I should walk you home." Jaehyuk said. "Thanks for your concern Jaehyukie. Let's go home." Hyunsuk sweetly said. "Umm Cute Hedgehogie, can I ask you something?" Jaehyuk asked in hesitation. "Go on." Hyunsuk nodded. "Are you and Jihoon close? I mean I see you two together most of the time and he's so nice with you. Even he drove you home everyday." Jaehyuk looked at Hyunsuk's side while walking side by side with him. Hyunsuk felt his face became hot. How to answer to Jaehyuk! "Umm Jaehyukie! I mm.." Hyunsuk hesitate to say. "You two are dating." Jaehyuk broke the ice from the iceberg. Hyunsuk's eyes widened. "Wait how did you know?" "Well, I've observed you two. No actually it's natural to understand because of your actions." Jaehyuk smiles at the surprised Hyunsuk. "Ah! Jaehyukie don't tell this to anyone." Hyunsuk nervously said. "Okay but cute Hedgehogie, everyone will eventually know it. Why do you want to keep it a secret?" Jaehyuk asked in curiosity. "Because I don't want it to be known by people. My cousins are also studying in this school, if they come to know this they will surely tell my aunt and my parents will know it. They're very strict you know. Again it will cause problem in our study. So I just feel insecure." Hyunsuk looked down sadly and Jaehyuk patted on his shoulder to give him comfort. "It gonna be okay cute Hedgehogie. I'm here with you. Don't worry." Hyunsuk nodded in reply.

Six eyes were looking at them from a little distance.
"Ya Haruto, what we gonna do? There's that brat Jaehyuk with him." Yoshi asked Haruto in disappointment. "Don't call him a brat." Asahi frowned and Yoshi shook his head annoyingly. "Hold on hyung. We need to take away Jaehyuk from Hyunsuk. But how!?" Haruto was biting his fingers in excitement. "I know what to do." Asahi said. "What is it?" Haruto and Yoshi said together. "I'll go there and ask Jaehyuk to come with me because there's a serious issue that I've talk to. And will take him far making him busy with my issues issues." Asahi's eyebrows began to rise towards Yoshi and Haruto. "Well that's not a bad idea, my friends are already ready." Haruto said. "But what if Jaehyuk refused to listen to Asahi?" Yoshi asked in concern. "There's no what if bro. I'll pull him if he do that. And he's so naive you know." Asahi winked at Yoshi. "Okay, be careful before you say something wrong. Best of luck." Yoshi said before sending Asahi to their target destination. "Haruto, are you sure it gonna work?" Yoshi made a worried look at Haruto. "Yeah hyung, at least he will think you as a good guy and will consider your flaws. And you would be able to take him home. Don't you think it will build up in day by day?" "Okay Rutoya, I'm relying on you." Yoshi said with a deep sigh. "Be patient hyung." Haruto patted on Yoshi's back.

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