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Jennie pov

It has been 2 weeks since that incident and lisa has been ignoring me since, everytime i approached her she would scurry away or start a conversation with the person nearest to her, i know its my fault and i feel like a total piece of shit but she could at least try to talk to my sorry ass....

Speaking of which, i see lisa currently speeding off away from me, i just sigh and focus back on what i was doing, which was coming up with lyrics for my solo

After i finished, it was already dark, i exit my study and enter the kitchen area just in time to catch lisa sitting on the counter

I sneakily walk up to her and enter between her legs pinning her on the counter

"J-jennie what are you doing" lisa asks me, i just ignore her and stare straight in her eyes which makes her cheeks glow red

"mmmh i'll answer that when you tell me the reason for you avoiding me" i say suddenly, which makes her surprised to the point she was fidgiting non-stop

"Lisa stop moving around and give me a straight answer" i snarl at her, she just sighs and closes  her eyes bracing herself to answer me

"I saw you one day, while i was jogging it was the day you had errands to run" she says then aburbtly pauses i guess she's waiting to get a reaction out of me and my reaction certainly isnt heavenly, im fucking annoyed i just want her to spit out why she's avoiding me so i can fix my fucking mistake

"Continue Lisa" i say visibly annoyed,"i-.... Saw you with a man who had a cap covering his face" she says finishing her reasoning

"Fuck" thats the only thing that could cone out of my mouth in this situation

"Explain... Its your turn to give me a reason why you were with a man who had a fucking cap blocking his face at 10 past in the damn night" lisa basically screams at me, like calm down jamal dont pull out the 9🙄

I sigh and lower my head "That was kai... Me and him had what you could call history, we used to be good friends until he developed feelings..." i say not feeling comfortable with the said topic

"Jennie if your not comfortable... You can stop.." Lisa whispers in my ear softly, i grit my teeth and forcely lift my head to face her, "h-he did some questionable things and honestly i still love him as friend, he was their for me when i suffered from depression, what he did was garbage but i forgave him, that night he offered me to date him, to which i replied that im dating you, he got sour and just left afterwards" i say

After few minutes if calming myself down i ask lisa is their anything else she'd want to know

"Why did you push me away... The day kai and sehun visited.." she asks with a slight hint of pain in her voice

"I was angry, after my conversation with kai i went to look for you, i found you after sometime searching and i saw sehun comforting you while you were crying... I wanted to be him... I was so fucking angry that i couldnt be the one comforting you..." i unwillingly say, Lisa looks at me shocked but then explodes with laughter,

"Baby, i was talking to sehun about our relationship and doubts, he and i were friends way before we both debuted, his like brother to me, he did like me at some point but eventually got over it as i was gay, a few months ago he actually told me his bisexual and likes kai" she says while laughing her ass off

I just embarassly hug her waist and put my head to rest on her stomach, after Lisa finishes laughing, she holds up my chin to look up at her face, we spend a few seconds getting lost in eachothers eyes as we both push our face closer, eventually touching eachothers lips and pulling in to a passionate kiss

After a few second of kissing the once passionate kiss became heated with desire and fustration, i bite lisa's lower lip and she opens her mouth making me slide my tongue into her mouth, where we both fight for dominance, i ended up winning and we continue the heated kiss, i sneakly run my hand in her shirt and begin groping her chest, she wraps her hands behind my neck, pushing my head closer to hers, hungrily deeping this kiss

"Ewwww" we hear a fimiliar voice say, we break our kiss and turn our heads around only to see just Rose and Jisoo who had apparently just woken up

Lisa embarrassingly buries her head into my neck but im absolutely not having it, they killed the moment i was waiting for this entire week

"Dont act like i didnt catch you and rose having intercourse yesterday, and i caught you'll groping eachother last week tuesday at exactly 9:27 and 32 second annddd you guys are the reason i dont get enough sleep because you guys are all over eachother, i always wake to rose's loud moaning,

i dont sleep til 5 and i wake up at 8 everyday, you guys are so fucking lucky i have tolatered it til today" i snap at the two, ashamed they both turn red and hurrily exit the kitchen not looking forward to getting exposed more, i roll my eyes and turn facing a shocked and surprised lisa who was staring at me intensly, "Even the seconds" she asks, now slightly smirking,

"Even the seconds" i repeat, smirking

Thanks 1000+ veiws, it mean ALOT, i was stoked when i saw that i reached 1.29👹 veiws, i was planning on completing this sooner😪 but nah im just too lazy and i only write my chapters past 12 a.m. so yeah, have a great day, or night idk 😭☠️

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