S1 ‹Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost, Part 3›

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[Connie]: Hey, Jean! What should we do?...-he yells at him, but Jean shakes her head-

[Jean]: There's nothing we can do... They finally issued the order to retreat, but without more gas, we can't climb the walls. So we're all going to die... Because of those cowards... 

[Connie]: The supply team... What happened to them?! Were they wiped out?...

[Jean]: They're too terrified to move. I can see why... But abandoning their mission to resupply us, to hide inside HQ? Unbelievable.. And sure enough, the Titans have swarmed them, so we can't go get mor gas... 

[Connie]: Then we must take a chance, and try to destroy the Titans around HQ!..-Jean looks at him silently- We won't be any worse off than sitting here... The Titans will be here before long! And if we keep running, we'll just waste the gas we have. Without use of our Maneuver Gear, we really are done for!...

[Jean]: I'm surprised to see you using your head for once, Connie...-Jean looks away, while Connie looks at him silently- But do you think we can do that, given our numbers here? Most of the veterans in the vanguard were killed. Which of us trainees could lead a suicide mission like that? Well, even if someone could, we can't fight the Titans. I bet the gas supply room is chock full of 3- to 4-meter class Titans.. Obviously, we can't refuel with them around...

[Connie]: So we're doomed?...

[Jean]: What a stupid life...-He sighs, putting his head in the palm of his hand- If I'd known this would happen, I would've told them...

[Sasha]: Let's do it, guys!... Come on, stand up... If we all work together, we'll be fine! I'll take the lead..She tried to encourage them, but they were all traumatized. Sasha looks at her hand before noticing that Armin was leaning against a wall- Armin, let's all...-But she stops when she sees his expression. Sasha sighs-

[Annie]: Reiner, what should we do?...-She asks him, Reiner and Bertolt look at her- 

[Reiner]: Nothing yet. If we do it, we do it all together...-He answers. Marco stares off, mumbling-

[Marco]: It's hopeless....-Reiner, Annie and Bertolt look at him while he kept talking- There's no way any of us can make it out of this town alive. I knew I could die... But what am I dying for?...

[Soldier]: Mikasa?...-He exclaims, looking at her- I thought you were with the rearguard...-But Mikasa ignores him and keeps running towards Annie-

[Mikasa]: Annie!...-She calls her, making the girl turn around- I have a basic idea of what's happening. And I'm sorry to involve my personal feelings, but did you see Eren's team?...

[Annie]: I didn't see them, but no one's made it up the walls...

[Reiner]: Actually, Armin's over there....-He points behind him- 

[Mikasa]: Armin!..-She shouted his name, making him shudder- 

[Armin]: Mikasa! No! How am I supposed to face her? I survived for nothing. I wish I'd died back there with him! And (Y/n)... I wish I had helped (Y/n), she is dead now..-The memory of (Y/n), falling down the Titan's tongue and Eren's death, reaches his head from him-

[Mikasa]: Armin, are you hurt?..-She kneels in front of him, looking at him worried- Are you okay?..-But Armin doesn't answer, she sighs as she gets up, looking around in search of her two friends- Where is (Y/n) and Eren?...

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